Conferentie Future Art Schoolpublicationessaypodcastinterviewvideoblognewsonline coursespeopleAPRIA


Our programme is made up of series on specific topics. Below you'll find the overview of the series we have curated. These collections consist of Radio ArtEZ podcasts, essays, interviews and online courses. Browse through the series that appeal to you and find inspiring thoughts, methods and ideas.



This series explores the effects of time (and the pressure of time) on making. How do we ensure that making does not increasingly fall prey to the laws of capitalization? Can we make time for not-knowing as a productive force? In what ways can we resist, make activist time, break through what we maintain together? Can time be a creative tool?


Future Art School

Are the institutions in which artists are trained still appropriate for the new systems, questions and relations we need in the future? What will the Art School of the Future look like? How will it smell, taste, feel?  In the series Future Art School we collect examples and challenging experiments that make us think about art education in the future.


My learning is affected by the condition of my life

My learning is affected by the condition of my life by Aude Christel Mgba, is a project that is intended as a constellation centred around a critical reflection on the future of art school. The title wants to acknowledge the importance of taking the learner into account as an active participant of knowledge production and transmission but also the context as an element that influences the learning.

Conference Future Art School; (Un)learning Practices

On Thursday 30 November and Friday 1 December 2023, ArtEZ Studium Generale organised a vibrant two-day event on the Future Art School in collaboration with Artisteducator in Theatre & Media, DBKV Zwolle and Professorship AeCT. Check out the recaps below and read all about the programme, speakers and experiences.

Research in and through the arts

With this series we show the breadth of research in and through the arts. The way research is handled in the arts is very diverse. We show the breadth of the topic by collecting various projects related to research in and through the arts. From podcasts about the role of research at art schools to research projects by students and staff at ArtEZ.


Equality / Equity

ArtEZ Studium Generale organizes different projects that advocate for equality at every level and social justice for all people. In this series on Equality you will find projects on feminism, emancipation, justice and activism.


The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts

In january 2020 we organized the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world.

Future Justice

Young artists, researchers and educators help unpack the idea of a future that is based on justice out of deep concern for the world, which is marked by a climate crisis as well as a social and political crisis.

Body and power(lessness)

Body and Power(lessness) was the main theme of ArtEZ Studium Generale for the 2021/2022 academic year. Together with Mister Motley we dealt with a number of questions in response to developments in society and art: What happens when we find that we have far less control over our bodies than we thought we had, due to the external force exerted on our bodies by a disease, on our freedom of movement by the government and on our minds by technology?


Online Exhibition: Body and Power(lessness)

Our theme of the study year 2021/2022 was The body and Power(lessness), on how we physically experience autonomy, power(lessness), (in)justice, care and collectivity. We invited ArtEZ students to join us in our research and contribute with your own work for an online exhibition.

Bodies and Breath: Embodied Research & Writing

This dossier has been created through rich exchanges and encounters we have had with our invited guests who were asked to host workshops on embodied writing and research, and to share with us the relations they have forged through their practices in writing, research, and making.


Scientists warn of the imminent collapse of our civilization, but how can we speak of a civilization, if we are unable to do something about climate breakdown, if we are even allowing it to become worse? This series is about climate breakdown, ownership, territory and colonialism.


Living with Land Otherwise Series

Living with Land Otherwise starts with the story of a Maroon community living in and with the rainforests in the former Dutch colony of Suriname. Decedents of Africa who were enslaved by the Dutch for labouring on plantations in Suriname, their story is told in the captivating film Stones Have Laws (Dee Sitonu A Weti) made by filmmakers Lonnie van Brummelen, Siebren de Haan and Tolin Erwin Alexander.

A Sense of Belonging

Technology/data, politics, laws, regulations, time and space determine where we are and where we feel at home. A human is not a being that is restricted to one place but rather a combination of all these strands. Where do we feel at home, how do we relate to these external forces and to other people? And where do we find the relationship with the other, where do we find solidarity?


HOME receptenboek

Hoe kunnen we de ander benaderen en verwelkomen? Welke mogelijkheden kunst in zich draagt voor het vormen van een thuisgevoel?


The underrepresentation and misrepresentation of women artists, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world is undeniable. Female students dominate the art schools, but the art world continues to be mostly male dominated. In this file you will find information about art and feminism from an intersectional perspective.


The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts

In january 2020 we organized the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world.

Rethinking Anthropocene

Unlike abstract concepts such as the Anthropocene, life on Earth is palpable, deeply emotional and consequential. How do we experience and endure life in a climate that is drastically and detrimentally transformed on a local and global level by the fossil fuel industry, racial capitalism, and political power in the last four decades? Not just here, or there. But everywhere, and all at once.


Precarious Days & Nights

A person's socioeconomic class has wide-ranging effects on access to education, culture, housing, health, and even justice. In this series you will find projects dealing with social class and existential vulnerability or precariousness.



Can you recall the first time you became aware of the power of emancipation? Can you draw a line between your experiences and the emancipatory movements that are transformative, powerful, heard and built by people against systematic oppression and violence?



Gender (identity) is the degree to which someone feels like a man, a woman, both or neither. In this file you will find projects that question the relationships between gender and society. Check also the files feminism and identity.



About those anxious gut feelings that are resounding throughout the arts and society at large.



This series is about you and how your idea on identity defines your work but also about the role of art in the social debate about identity and identity politics. Many artists use their work to express, explore, and question ideas about the way we perceive and express ourselves.



Sex is all around us. In this series you can find information on the representation of sex in art and the media, how this relates to gender stereotyping and what is says about our identity.


The City








Alternative Systems




Homo Ludens

