AnnaMaria Pinaka
peopleAnnaMaria Pinaka is a visual artist working mainly in video, photography and performance. She was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. After studying artists’ video, film and photography in the UK, she completed her practice-led PhD, Porno-graphing: ‘dirty’ subjectivities & self-objectification in contemporary lens-based art at the Department of Theatre, Drama and Performance at Roehampton University in 2017. The focus of her work is sexualised representation, diarism, lack of spectacularisation and aesthetics of banality. Pinaka uses a visual language that borrows in part from the rhetorics of pornography, but which relate also to visual arts practices focused on the intimacy of private life, the domestic real, the lived ordinary, and the ecstasies of the everyday.
AnnaMaria Pinaka was our guest in the programme ‘Tools for engagement: Feminism, the erotic view and the male gaze’ (part of SEX & the Sexual politics of the gaze).
AnnaMaria Pinaka was our guest in the programme ‘Tools for engagement: Feminism, the erotic view and the male gaze’ (part of SEX & the Sexual politics of the gaze).
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