Sigrid Merx
peopleSigrid Merx is Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies at Utrecht University, and currently the Head of Education of the Culture and Media Studies department. Her research focusses on critical interventions in public space that address issues of urban and civic engagement and on creative methods of exploring, mapping and intervening in public space. She is a core member of the [urban interfaces] research group at Utrecht University, the initiator of the minor Creative Cities, and one of the initiators of Platform-Scenography. She is co-editor of the special issue of LEA: Urban Interfaces – Media, Art, and Performance in Public Space (MIT Press, 2019), and has contributed, among others, to the edited volumes The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics (Routledge, 2018) and Performing the Digital: Performativity and Performance Studies in Digital Cultures (Transcript Verlag, 2017). She is also active as a dramaturg, writer and curator.
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