Research in Art Education | Episode 1: Sharing Best Practices
podcasttopic: Research in and through the arts
In Research in Art Education, artist-researcher Fabiola Camuti interviews students, researchers, and managers working in university of the arts to discuss the importance, challenges, and possibilities of conducting research within arts academies.
The KUO (national art education sector) Strategic Plan 2021-2025 identifies ‘research’ as one of the three key areas art universities should focus on in the coming years. Research is essential not only to the arts and professional art education, but also to our relationship with the world and society. Research already takes on an important role within universities of the arts, however, practices and ideas on the role, methods, ways of conducting research and its embedment within each and every institution, still leave space for further development, investigation, and actions to be taken. For this reason, starting 2022, a national ‘Research working group’ will work together to strengthen the knowledge ecosystem and the research culture within our academies.
This podcast series is connected to the events organized by the working group around the question: how can we make research sustainable in our academies?
The podcast is sponsored by the Vereniging Hogescholen and hosted by Radio ArtEZ for Studium Generale.
The KUO (national art education sector) Strategic Plan 2021-2025 identifies ‘research’ as one of the three key areas art universities should focus on in the coming years. Research is essential not only to the arts and professional art education, but also to our relationship with the world and society. Research already takes on an important role within universities of the arts, however, practices and ideas on the role, methods, ways of conducting research and its embedment within each and every institution, still leave space for further development, investigation, and actions to be taken. For this reason, starting 2022, a national ‘Research working group’ will work together to strengthen the knowledge ecosystem and the research culture within our academies.
This podcast series is connected to the events organized by the working group around the question: how can we make research sustainable in our academies?
The podcast is sponsored by the Vereniging Hogescholen and hosted by Radio ArtEZ for Studium Generale.
“How can we make research sustainable in our academies?”
In episode 1, Sharing Best Practices, Fabiola Camuti has interviewed the following guests: Lulu Linders, 3rd year student audiovisual design at the WdKA, she has a BA from the University of Amsterdam in Future Planet Studies and is working towards becoming a documentary director.
Els Cornelis is a relational artist and teacher at HKU. In addition, she initiated and started a collective research project with the name Pluriversity of the Arts.
Dorothea van der Meulen, Dean Minerva Academy Groningen and member of the KUO national research working group.
Best practices discussed during the episodes:
1. ArtEZ Univeristy of the Arts: Next Generation: the two-days No University festival for research, experiments, and arts for the education of the future, presented by Arjen Hosper
2. Willem de Kooning Academy: The Circle and Crash Course of Doing Research – creating an equal footing in research skills for all first-year students, presented by Jojanneke Gijsen and Harma Staal
3. Minerva Art Academy: From a question of the working field to an educational pilot: A practice-based research in Arts & Health, presented by Asa Scholma and Jedidja Smalbil
Other best practices that were mentioned:
1. HKU: How can research be sustainably connected to art education? The case of the Expanding Narratives project, presented by Jorrit Thijn and Nirav Christophe
2. Fontys School of Fine & Performing Arts: The project ‘Sociaal Artistiek Theater’: the work of the teacher researcher, presented by Lieke van Hoogenhuijze and Erica Smits
3. Codarts University of the Arts: The Research Festival: an annual event for research in education, presented by Erik Zwiep
Els Cornelis is a relational artist and teacher at HKU. In addition, she initiated and started a collective research project with the name Pluriversity of the Arts.
Dorothea van der Meulen, Dean Minerva Academy Groningen and member of the KUO national research working group.
Best practices discussed during the episodes:
1. ArtEZ Univeristy of the Arts: Next Generation: the two-days No University festival for research, experiments, and arts for the education of the future, presented by Arjen Hosper
2. Willem de Kooning Academy: The Circle and Crash Course of Doing Research – creating an equal footing in research skills for all first-year students, presented by Jojanneke Gijsen and Harma Staal
3. Minerva Art Academy: From a question of the working field to an educational pilot: A practice-based research in Arts & Health, presented by Asa Scholma and Jedidja Smalbil
Other best practices that were mentioned:
1. HKU: How can research be sustainably connected to art education? The case of the Expanding Narratives project, presented by Jorrit Thijn and Nirav Christophe
2. Fontys School of Fine & Performing Arts: The project ‘Sociaal Artistiek Theater’: the work of the teacher researcher, presented by Lieke van Hoogenhuijze and Erica Smits
3. Codarts University of the Arts: The Research Festival: an annual event for research in education, presented by Erik Zwiep
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podcast Fabiola Camuti – 01 nov. 2023