
How to bring eco-criticism into the art academy

A discussion with artists and teachers from various academies

topic: Future Art School
Based on the assumption that contemporary art education educates critical and committed makers, we investigate what is needed to fruitfully discuss themes such as climate breakdown and eco-criticism with students. The question How important is it that the art academy itself is also sustainably organized? must be adressed in this discussion. During this lunchevent, moderated by Chihiro Geuzebroek, we discussed this subject digitally on Wednesday 12 May at 12:00 with lecturer Suzanne Dhaliwal from the master Ecology Futures (St Joost) and artist collective De Onkruidenier.
Since September the project LAND formed the starting point for Mister Motley and ArtEZ studium generale to discuss topics as climate breakdown, ownership, living together and colonialism with artists and thinkers. Within this project we want to acknowledge that people are part of the world, instead of the other way around.

In LAND we experienced that we can have a sharp discussion about climate breakdown and our role as humans in it, using the realm of contemporary art a a starting point. What does this actually mean for the artistic practice and especially for the role that art academies play? Should eco-criticism become part of the curriculum at art academies and how would that work?
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Chihiro Geuzebroek

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Suzanne Dhaliwal

Practice tutor in Ecology Futures (MA, St Joost)

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De Onkruidenier

(Participants Jan van Eyck Academie 2017 - 2019)