
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: unlearning gender

topic: Gender
In Nigerian society, traditionally men are seen as more important than women. In her TEDxEuston talk We should all be feminists, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie argues that it’s one thing to know this intellectually, but quite another to feel it
In Nigerian society, traditionally men are seen as more important than women. In her TEDxEuston talk We should all be feminists, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie argues that it’s one thing to know this intellectually, but quite another to feel it emotionally. But she is hopeful that we can raise our sons and daughters differently – by not defining masculinity in a narrow way, and by focussing on interest and ability instead of gender. She explains how she herself is unlearning many of the lessons on gender that she internalised when she was growing up. In her view, a feminist is a man or a woman who acknowledges there’s a problem with gender today, and that we must fix it. Because “culture does not make people, people make culture”.

ArtEZ Studium Generale initieert in 2018 de leesgroep De Kunst van het Feminisme. Samen met geïnteresseerde studenten behandelt deze leesgroep maandelijks teksten uit allerlei tijden en genres over de positie van de vrouw. Van kritische essays tot ontroerende passages en van toegankelijke interviews tot wetenschappelijke artikelen. Doel is om de scheve machtsverhouding anno 2018 beter te doorgronden, om de aanname van de vrouw als slachtoffer en de man als dader te bevechten en om het idee van ‘mannelijkheid’ en ‘vrouwelijkheid’ te bevragen.
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