Karien Vermeulen
peopleKarien Vermeulen is program manager of the Creative Learning Lab of Waag Society in Amsterdam. As such, she is interested in the role and influence of creative technologies on the processes of learning. Creative Learning Lab develops applications using new technologies with the aim of improving and refining ways of learning. In multidisciplinary teams of educational, art, and creative new media experts, Vermeulen investigates the technological possibilities of designing contemporary and new learning experiences. Creativity, expression, co-creations, the experiment and above all the young pupil are key points in these projects.
During Frankenstein Festival: Homo Technicus on 6 november 2015 Karien Vermeulen gave a workshop with Marloeke Vlught.
During Frankenstein Festival: Homo Technicus on 6 november 2015 Karien Vermeulen gave a workshop with Marloeke Vlught.
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06 nov. 2015
Frankenstein Festival
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people – 06 nov. 2015