Rachit Puri
peopleI have always been captivated by the realm of sound. Some of the most profound moments in my life have been intertwined with sound and music. As a semi-professional musician and audio production hobbyist, music has always existed as a distinct passion from my work in architecture. In this project, I sought to blend these two worlds. By merging my deep fascination for sound with the architectural knowledge I have gathered over the years, I aspired to create a space that offers a unique spatial-sonic experience. In my project, I delved into understanding the emotional resonance of sounds, human sound perception and sound-space relations, examining how these elements influence our experience of a space. This inquiry led to a fundamental question: Can sound create space? The result is an immersive and interactive space that uses sound as a fundamental tool for creation. This approach opens up new possibilities for imagining and experiencing space, redefining what it can be.
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