Josephine Bosma
peopleJosephine Bosma is a critic and theorist living and working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She specializes in art in the context of the Internet. From 1993 her work initially appeared as radio reports and interviews on Radio Patapoe and VPRO. In 1997 Bosma became one of the key figures participating in and molding the then new sphere of critical Internet discourse (and practice) taking place in email lists such as Nettime and Rhizome. Since then her writings on net art and net culture appear in numerous magazines, books and catalogues, both on- and offline. Since 2011 Josephine Bosma is an external PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. She regularly acts as advisor and jury member in the area of art, science and technology.
photo Yasmijn Bosma
photo Yasmijn Bosma
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02 dec. 2011
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