Eventually I’d have to disappear. Chapter one with Milo Rau.
Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically.
podcast by Dieuwke Slump and Dennis Gaens – 28 sep. 2020topic: Equality / Equity
Dieuwke talks to the controversial artist, activist and artistic director of NT Gent Milo Rau about the difference between art and activism; the never-ending project of deconstruction; and theatre plays as traces of a revolution.
Also in this chapter: lessons in which 13-years-old learn how deep listening is a physical activity, and the amazing music of Warner Slump.
Music and sounds: Warner Slump; NTGent/Milo Rau (Orestes in Mosul)
Made possible by ArtEZ Studium Generale
Special thanks to Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema
Also in this chapter: lessons in which 13-years-old learn how deep listening is a physical activity, and the amazing music of Warner Slump.
Music and sounds: Warner Slump; NTGent/Milo Rau (Orestes in Mosul)
Made possible by ArtEZ Studium Generale
Special thanks to Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema

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