Alia Mascia
peopleAlia Mascia is an Italian designer, artist, and researcher. She is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in fashion and design theory at IUAV University of Venice, and has a background in fashion design (BA IUAV University of Venice) and Critical Fashion Practices (ArtEZ University of the Arts). She is part of the APRIA Platform Advisory Board. In her interdisciplinary research, which she names garment publishing, she tries to bridge the fields of fashion and publishing through the material and conceptual exploration of the garment as a publishing platform. In her work, the garment functions as a tool to share information, and the connection between text and textile represents the base of her creative process. A consistent part of her work is informed by the phenomena and ephemera of underground culture, which she implements in her practice by enacting a re-activation, re-interpretation and, re-read of countercultural archival material through garments.

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news – 19 sep. 2023