On Wednesday 1 December 2021 ArtEZ studium generale and Mister Motley organised a reading group around the annual theme Body and power(lessness) with critical thinker and teacher in several art schools Jules Sturm. During the reading group Jules discusses the vulnerable body in art. How is this body represented? And how does looking at the vulnerable body in works of art affect the experience of your own body? What is vulnerable looking?
In preparation, Jules wrote about two works of art by Marc Quinn. In the theoretical essay Vulnerable Looking she tries to find answers to the questions: How do art, disability and vulnerability relate to each other in a constructive way? How can 'disability' change not only the way we feel, but also the way we look at others, at ourselves and at the art we make?
In preparation, Jules wrote about two works of art by Marc Quinn. In the theoretical essay Vulnerable Looking she tries to find answers to the questions: How do art, disability and vulnerability relate to each other in a constructive way? How can 'disability' change not only the way we feel, but also the way we look at others, at ourselves and at the art we make?
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