Lara Staal
peopleLara Staal is a curator, programme maker and dramaturge. Between 2013 and 2016 she worked as a programmer at Frascati Theatre where she co-curated the Something Raw Festival and created sociopolitical programmes to develop connections between art and other domains. In addition to her work as curator and programme maker (still at Frascati, and other places), she writes for cultural magazines such as rekto:verso, TM and Etcetera, acts as a moderator during talks and is a member of Het Transitiebureau, a liquid institute that develops and manifests itself continuously with other partners and institutions and seeks alliances between the theatre and society. Lara Staal taught a breakout at 9 November 2017 in Enschede.
Read her article ‘De Staat van het Manifest’ in Mister Motley.
Read her article ‘De Staat van het Manifest’ in Mister Motley.
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