
Jonathan Reus

Jonathan Reus is an American artist-researcher working at the intersection of art, science and computation. His work explores fantasy and collective myths surrounding technology, using self-made media instruments and apparatus to explore the sensual, fragile and idiosyncratic aspects of the technological imagination. Jonathan is associate lecturer of Computing and Coded Culture at the Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media in Leuphana University, Lüneburg. He is also a guest tutor in interactive sound art at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in Arnhem.

For years he worked at STEIM (Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music) in Amsterdam as a curator and educator, also coordinating STEIM’s prolific artist-in-residency program. He is a founding member of the  iii (Instrument Inventors Initiative) self-made media and performance collective based in The Hague. In 2013 he co-founded the Platform for Thought in Motion along with artist-researcher Sissel Marie Tonn, an initiative curating cross-over points between practitioners from art, philosophy and science. Jonathan is also a founding member of the International Soundlings Sound Artists Network.

Jonathan Reus & Judith van der Elst gave a workshop at Homo Technicus called Homo sensus and the semiosphere.
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people – 06 nov. 2015

Judith van der Elst