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Our guests and partners

The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.
Elaine Mitchener (Photo: Dmitri Djuric)

Elaine Mitchener

Born and raised in East London of Jamaican heritage Elaine Mitchener is a contemporary vocalist, movement artist and composer. She has performed and collaborated with numerous leading artists including Camae Ayewa (Moor Mother), Mark Padmore, George E. Lewis, The Otolith Group, Sonia Boyce, Tansy Davies, Hamid Drake, Van Huynh Company, Apartment House, David Toop, London Sinfonietta, Christian Marclay, Ensemble Manufaktur für aktuelle Musik (MAM), William Parker.

She is founder of collective electroacoustic trio The Rolling Calf with Jason Yarde and Neil Charles. Her sound works are held in a curated collection by George E. Lewis at Darmstadt Festival, and also featured at Holland and Ruhrtriennale Festivals as well as participating in The Showroom’s IN-FLO-RE-SENCE project.

In October 2020 Mitchener premiered On Being Human as Praxis at SWR Donaueschingen Festival, which brings together five new works for Mitchener by Afrodiasporic and European composers inspired by cultural theorist Sylvia Wynter. She will also perform in a special project event at Royal Opera House (London) directed by Katie Mitchell. For 2021/22 Elaine is one of fifty selected artists whose work will feature in the British Art Show’s touring exhibition.
Elaine Mitchener (Photo: Dmitri Djuric)
Elaine Mitchener (Photo: Dmitri Djuric)

Kitchen Table Conversation with Elaine Mitchener

Unheard Voices

online event07 Dec '20

Online screening short essay film Elaine Mitchener

the then + the now = now time

film screening10 Feb '21

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