Between 2011 and 2018, Studium Generale organized one-day events on various themes, in 2014 SURFEN & DUIKEN. During SURFEN & DUIKEN we made our way through our super fast-paced lives and let artists and thinkers from art, science and society guide us in our search for depth, spirituality and happiness.

video – 07 nov. 2014
Lezing Timotheus Vermeulen: A tale of two depth-models
video – 07 nov. 2014
Typhoon tijdens Surfen & Duiken
video – 07 nov. 2014
Ruben van Zwieten: Fitness voor de geest
video – 14 feb. 2014
Laurens ten Kate in gesprek met Zenmeester Tenkei Coppens Roshi
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one day festival
Surfing & Diving
A one day festival on depth and meaning in a world of superficial temptations.
07 nov. 2014Zwolle