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topic: Rethinking Anthropocene

Rethinking Anthropocene

Unlike abstract concepts such as the Anthropocene, life on Earth is palpable, deeply emotional and consequential. How do we experience and endure life in a climate that is drastically and detrimentally transformed on a local and global level by the fossil fuel industry, racial capitalism, and political power in the last four decades? Not just here, or there. But everywhere, and all at once.

Living Matters non-exhibition

What was it like to have encounters and gatherings at school? I had to dig deep in order to recount how I felt the first time I visited AKI Enschede for the film program How On Earth.

Essays, blogs & interviews

A collection of publications, giving perspectives on Rethinking Anthropcene.
essay Harriet Bergman – 22 apr. 2020

Trips Across the Abyss

When I think of climate change, I struggle to make sense of the world and the people around me. Scientists have called the next century 'the century of hell'. What is immoral and illogical should not happen. And yet, it does happen. 'Status quo', 'business as usual,' or, in less fuzzy terms, 'situation normal, all fucked up.' Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home.

essay Ama Josephine Budge – 01 mei 2020

Tales from the Abyss

I was invited to respond to Harriet Bergman’s essay Trips Across the Abyss (2019), itself a response to Bridge Over Troubled Water (2016) – a short film by performance collective MSL and Jaakko Pallasvuo. This response to a response to a film, that is itself a response to the nonsensical affect swirling through and about human and non-human life in the face of climate change, is structured by a series of questions, of political orientations of an often acutely depoliticised subject, and, of course some fictitious (or predictive depending on your point of view) interjections.

blog – 17 jun. 2020

Interview bachelor student dance Polina Nikolaeva

About her choreography 'Semi-processing. Consumed.'

Polina Nikolaeva, bachelor student dance at ArtEZ, made a choreography with the theme climate. ArtEZ Studium Generale spoke her about it.

blog – 22 apr. 2020

Projects about climate colonialism, climate breakdown and climate activism from the Arte Útil archive

We asked curators and educators Gemma Medina and Alessandra Saviotti to select some projects that deal with climate colonialism, climate breakdown and climate activism from the Arte Útil archive. This online, growing database is free and features case studies which use art as a way to change how we act in society.

interview – 20 apr. 2020

‘Wanneer land de basis vormt van betekenis, is groei een gekke obsessie’

In gesprek met Chihiro Geuzebroek

Op woensdag 22 april 2020 was filmmaker en klimaatrechtenactivist Chihiro Geuzebroek te gast in het online lunch event dat mister Motley samen met ArtEZ Studium Generale organiseerde. Dit event ging over de kracht van leuzen en liedjes in de dekoloniale klimaatstrijd.

Video lectures, interviews & registrations

Below is a collection of various videos and video registrations of meetings on Rethinking Antropocene.
video – 13 mei 2020

Chihiro Geuzebroek: Poetic Climate Justice & Indigenous Futurism

Videoregistratie online event 22 april 2020

Mister Motley en ArtEZ Studium Generale begonnen een online lunch event serie op woensdag 22 april 2020 met filmmaker and climate justice activist Chihiro Geuzebroek en spraken met haar over het verband tussen de klimaatbeweging, racisme en de rechten van Inheemse volken. En over de kracht van protestliederen en science fiction om dingen te veranderen.

video – 30 sep. 2019

Crisis x Response

In times of heightened crises, are there limits to art’s potential for radical change? How should we act in response to crisis?

Current global affairs can be characterized as a continuous state of emergency. The potential of artistic practices lies in learning to imagine and navigate your practice in relation to your environment. The potential danger of art lies in advocating solutions and optimism devoid of local needs and knowledge.

video – 28 nov. 2016

Talkshow: Lotte van den Berg over Het parlement van de dingen

Theatermaker Lotte van den Berg gaf de workshop Het parlement van de dingen bij ‘U staat hier’ op 10 november 2016. In de talkshow vertellen zij en enkele deelnemers over hun ervaringen. Interview door Patty Pontier.

video – 14 feb. 2014

Lezing Henk Wildschut: ‘Voedsel en de realiteit achter het beeld’

Weinig onderwerpen roepen zoveel discussie op als het voedselvraagstuk. Daarin voeren scepsis en pessimisme over de productie van ons voedsel steeds vaker de boventoon. Toen Henk Wildschut gevraagd werd zich te verdiepen in het onderwerp ‘voedsel’ zat hij vol vooroordelen over de voedselindustrie. Door zich te verdiepen in de moderne innovatieve productie van ons basisvoedsel (groente, vlees, eieren en melk) veranderde dit beeld. Hij ontdekte dat onze afkeer van de moderne voedsel industrie is gebaseerd op nostalgisch beelden die al lang niet meer bestaan. In zijn lezing presenteert hij realistische beelden die minder eng zijn dan ze lijken.

video – 24 mei 2013

An interactive workshop by John-Paul Flintoff: How to Change the World?

Flintoff teaches ArtEZ students how they can make a difference at A New Dawn, 24 May 2013, by ArtEZ Studium Generale.

video – 24 mei 2013

Willem Schinkel in gesprek met Wunderbaum

Bij ArtEZ Studium Generale werden de deelnemers aan de workshop van Wunderbaum uitgenodigd voor een collectieve brainstorm. Socioloog Willem Schinkel, auteur van het boek De Nieuwe Democratie, voedde de discussie met zijn radicale ideeën.


Podcasts made in collaboration with students, teachers, makers and thinkers on Rethinking Anthropocene.
podcast – 24 feb. 2020

Harriet Bergman on climate breakdown

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 4

This episode features excerpts from a talk by Harriet Bergman and a conversation we had before the talk. The talk was part of the How on Earth programme by ArtEZ Studium Generale.

podcast – 24 feb. 2020

BONUS: De zaak Shell - Monoloog voor een consument

Nederlands gesproken

In deze bonusaflevering presenteren we een monoloog uit De zaak Shell, van Rebekka de Wit en Anouk Nuyens. In deze monoloog wordt de rol van de consument in de klimaatafbraak onderzocht. Want zonder dat de consument het wellicht weet, speelt hij al sinds het begin van de rechtszaak een hoofdrol. Shell heeft namelijk al meerdere keren laten weten dat er een fout is gemaakt in deze rechtszaak. Niet zij zouden verantwoordelijk zijn voor klimaatverandering, maar wij: de consumenten.

Related content
news – 30 sep. 2020

First ArtEZ student contributions Open Call APRIA published

Staying with the Trouble. How to Tell Stories in the Time of Ecological Crisis?


film screening

How on Earth presents: Matters of Vision

What is the role of art and design in challenging anthropocentrism?

12 dec. 2019
Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 17:00 - 19:30 hrs
film screening

How on Earth presents: Earthbound

film screening and lecture performance by Sjoerd van Oevelen and Elodie Hiryczuk

28 nov. 2019
Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 17:00 - 19:30 hrs
film screening

How on Earth presents the (de)mobilizing power of eco-anxiety and discomfort

Harriet Bergman will talk about climate change, doom-dude protagonists, and discomfort.

12 nov. 2019
Focus Filmtheater, Arnhem 19.00 - 21.30 hrs.

How on Earth presents Biodemonology Night. On Practicing Xenobodies by Witches, Hackers and Nonhumans.

Evening curated by Agnieszka Anna Wolodźko i.c.w. Tetem

31 okt. 2019
Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 19.30-21.30 hrs.
film screening

How on Earth presents what’s wrong with the Anthropocene?

26 sep. 2019
Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 19.30 - 21.30 hrs
film screening

How on Earth presents Living Images

05 sep. 2019
Room 1.12 AKI ArtEZ Enschede 14.00 hrs

Biomatters of a precarious future

27 mrt. 2019
Tetem Enschede 19:30 uur