

Scientists warn of the imminent collapse of our civilization, but how can we speak of a civilization, if we are unable to do something about climate breakdown, if we are even allowing it to become worse? This series is about climate breakdown, ownership, territory and colonialism.

Living with Land Otherwise Series

Living with Land Otherwise starts with the story of a Maroon community living in and with the rainforests in the former Dutch colony of Suriname. Decedents of Africa who were enslaved by the Dutch for labouring on plantations in Suriname, their story is told in the captivating film Stones Have Laws (Dee Sitonu A Weti) made by filmmakers Lonnie van Brummelen, Siebren de Haan and Tolin Erwin Alexander.
online courses – 01 mrt. 2022

Online lessenserie: LAND

Een gratis lessenserie over de relatie tussen eigendom van land en klimaatafbraak

Deze online cursus LAND gaat over de relatie tussen eigendom van land en klimaatafbraak. Volg hem op je eigen moment en in je eigen tempo. Met filmpjes, teksten, theoretische en praktische opdrachten.

Essays, blogs en interviews

As part of the LAND project, we published several articles in autumn 2020 and spring 2021 on climate degradation, property, territory and colonialism and how these issues are related. Many of these articles were written in collaboration with Mister Motley.
Als onderdeel van het project LAND publiceerden we in het najaar van 2020 en voorjaar 2021 meerdere artikelen over klimaatafbraak, eigendom, territorium en kolonialisme en hoe deze zaken met elkaar samenhangen. Veel van deze artikelen werden in samenwerking met Mister Motley geschreven.
essay Fiep van Bodegom – 16 sep. 2020


Over natuur, land en eigendom

podcast – 16 sep. 2020

Onpeilbaar: over natuur, land en eigendom

Dennis Gaens in gesprek met Fiep van Bodegom

blog – 02 nov. 2020

Van wie is het land?

Tip: ZDF documentaire over Sami grondrecht

essay Barbara Collé – 07 dec. 2020

Rood zijn

Over de verbindingsdraad tussen natuur en kleur

blog Wouter Engelbart – 07 jun. 2021

water + bodem + wier ≈ een verstrengeld scenario

Wouter Engelbart (platform DIS) vertelt over het onderzoeksproject

interview Lieneke Hulshof – 09 dec. 2020

Wanneer taal poëzie wordt, komen we dichter bij de werkelijkheid

in gesprek met Jasper Griepink

interview – 20 apr. 2020

‘Wanneer land de basis vormt van betekenis, is groei een gekke obsessie’

In gesprek met Chihiro Geuzebroek

essay Judith van der Elst – 14 dec. 2020


blog – 13 jan. 2021

Living with Land Otherwise

This dossier questions worldviews and practices based on ownership and possession

Land is the earth beneath our feet, the horizon that stretches beyond our view, the matter of which life and energy springs from and returns to. Yet, how do we see land? How do we treat it? How do we inhabit it? How do we care for it? And how do we leave it?

interview Lieneke Hulshof – 07 jun. 2021

‘Kunstenaars zouden wel eens mogen loslaten dat ze alleen maar werk maken voor mensen.'

In gesprek met Stefan Cools en Sandra van den Beuken

blog Kseniia Anokhina – 16 jun. 2021

Lacing Lands: moving in relation

website by Kseniia Anokhina

ArtEZ Studium Generale presents this awe-inspiring and incisive artistic project, written, narrated, illustrated and coded by our intern Kseniia Anokhina.

essay Georgia Kareola – 05 jul. 2022

To live and die with soil

An essay by Georgia Kareola

InstaPoetry door klimaatdichter Willemijn Kranendonk

blog Willemijn Kranendonk – 18 mei 2022

Tranen van de dageraad

Gedicht Willemijn Kranendonk (ArtEZ Alumna Creative Writing)

Videoregistratie online event

On 16 December 2020, Lieneke Hulshof, editor-in-chief of online art magazine Mister Motley, brought together the four authors Fiep van Bodegom, Lietje Bauwens, Jasper Griepink and Chihiro Geuzebroek in an online lunch event to relate the insights from the articles.
Op 16 december 2020 bracht Lieneke Hulshof, hoofdredacteur van online kunsttijdschrift Mister Motley, de vier auteurs Fiep van Bodegom, Lietje Bauwens, Jasper Griepink en Chihiro Geuzebroek samen in een online lunch event om de inzichten uit de artikelen met elkaar in verband te brengen.
video – 07 jun. 2021

How to bring eco-criticism into the art academy

A discussion with artists and teachers from various academies

Video interviews with artists, thinkers and makers

In this series of film interviews, as part of the LAND project, guest-curator Irene Constandse talks for us with various artists, thinkers and makers.
In deze serie filminterviews, als onderdeel van het LAND project, gaat gastcurator Irene Constandse voor ons in gesprek met verschillende kunstenaars, denkers en makers.
video – 19 apr. 2021

Our house is on fire

Choreographer Nicole Beutler talks about her triology ‘Rituals of transformation (towards a new humanity)’.

Nicole Beutler looks with astonishment and powerlessness at the enormous mess in which man has maneuvered himself when it comes to the climate. We feel the threat, but we don't seem to be able to really get a grip on it yet.

video – 20 jan. 2021

'Land is a narrative that can talk about all kind of things.'

Head of BEAR at ArtEZ Edward Clydesdale Thomson talks about his project about the Swedish forests.

Edward Clydesdale Thomson is a Scottish/Danish artist based in Rotterdam. Together with Priscila Fernandes he is head of BEAR at ArtEZ. Land is a topic that keeps returning in his work.

video – 11 jan. 2021


Artist Lucy Cordes Engelman talks about her project ‘Nehalennia’.

Lucy Cordes Engelman is an artist, filmmaker and writer. She deepens and expands her ongoing artistic practice concerning film as enchantment, via hydrofeminist ethics. Hydrofeminism, refers to the ongoing linkages of water and the aims of feminism; especially referencing the work of Astrida Neimanis.

video – 05 jul. 2021

A fair ecological future

Sociologist and activist Darko Lagunas talks about his research and the project ‘The future of the delta’ at ‘The Embassy of the North Sea’.

The Dutch-Chilean Darko Lagunas (1987) has an urban sociology background (University of Amsterdam) and focuses on connecting ecological and social issues.


blog – 16 dec. 2020

Tegenlicht-uitzending: In De Ban Van Het Bos (2019)

Met portret van Robin Wall Kimmerer

Podcast and DIY workshop about plants

podcast – 12 apr. 2021

How to Be With Plants?

With Lobke Meekes and Irene Urrutia

Podcast series Sounding Places / Listening Places

If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth. In the Radio ArtEZ podcast series Sounding Places / Listening Places writer and music journalist Joep Christenhusz and creator of sound works, writer and Deep Listener Sharon Stewart enquire how sound and listening can help us to do so.

In contemporary Western culture we seem to have lost an intimate connection with the land. More often than not we consider our surroundings as a passive backdrop in which humankind can take center stage: controlling the landscape, developing infrastructures, and extracting resources at will. This rather anthropocentric position has become unviable, however, as recent human-driven ecological crises – like climate change, the dramatic loss of biodiversity and large-scale destruction of habitats – are clearly indicating. If we wish to develop a more sustainable future, we urgently need to reconnect to our environment and restore a more reciprocal relationship with the earth.
podcast – 12 mei 2021

#0 Sounding Places / Listening Places

trailer #0

podcast – 12 mei 2021

#1a The Natural Soundscape: Listening to Bernie Krause, Evelien van den Broek and Barry Truax

Sounding Places / Listening Places #1a

podcast – 14 mei 2021

#1b Deep Listening®: Pauline Oliveros and the Sonosphere

Sounding Places / Listening Places #1b

podcast – 17 mei 2021

#2a Urban and Domestic Listenings: Peter Cusack and Elise ‘t Hart

Sounding Places / Listening Places #2a

podcast – 19 mei 2021

#2b Deep Listening® and Reciprocal Listening with Tina Pearson

Sounding Places / Listening Places #2b

podcast – 24 mei 2021

#3a Land, Listening, and Leaving: Talking to Ame Kanngieser and Lisa E. Harris

Sounding Places / Listening Places #3a

podcast – 26 mei 2021

#3b Deep Listening® performance scores with Lisa E. Harris

Sounding Places / Listening Places #3b

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video – 13 jan. 2021

5 Building Trust

news – 09 sep. 2020

LAND: on climate, ownership and coexistence

ArtEZ Studium Generale starts new programme