Equality / Equity

ArtEZ Studium Generale organizes different projects that advocate for equality at every level and social justice for all people. In this series on Equality you will find projects on feminism, emancipation, justice and activism.
Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It recognises that certain groups of people with protected characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual orientation experience discrimination. In our projects we make a case for intersectionality as a tool for analysis, for emancipation and against oppression, a term which refers to the complex interplay and overlap of axes of identity such as race, class and gender. Art can make us aware of the identity of ourselves and of the other and of the power differences that result from it and the underlying, structural mechanisms of exclusion.

The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts

In january 2020 we organized the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world.

Future Justice

Young artists, researchers and educators help unpack the idea of a future that is based on justice out of deep concern for the world, which is marked by a climate crisis as well as a social and political crisis.

Online Publications

ArtEZ Studium Generale initiates, produces and publishes its own publications. This often takes place in close collaboration with lecturers, students, researchers or alumni of ArtEZ, but also with curators and lecturers from other art institutions and academies.
ArtEZ Studium Generale initieert, produceert en publiceert haar eigen publicaties. Dit gebeurt vaak in nauwe samenwerking met docenten, studenten, onderzoekers of alumni van ArtEZ, maar ook met curatoren en docenten van andere kunstinstellingen en academies.
publication Sol Archer – jun '23

Secure Learning and Culture Environments

Making Cultures in Art Schools

The online publication Secure Learning and Culture Environments: Making Cultures in Art Schools shares some of the learning that has happened over the past couple of years in processes of formalizing social conduct and behavioural structures to create a culture of accountability and trust in shared spaces. Much of it is directed to the specific social and professional needs of working in art schools, but is also relevant in other organizations and communities.

Radio ArtEZ Podcasts:

ArtEZ Studium Generale has its own podcast channel: Radio ArtEZ. We make the episodes in collaboration with podcaster Dennis Gaens.
ArtEZ Studium Generale heeft een eigen podcast kanaal: Radio ArtEZ. De afleveringen maken we in samenwerking met radiomaker Dennis Gaens.
podcast – apr '23

Art at War | Episode 1: Anastasia Taylor-Lind

by writer Lisa Weeda

Art at War is a series about, well… Art and war. Each episode writer and ArtEZ alumna Lisa Weeda explores what art can do in times of conflict with a special guest. In this episode that guest is Anastasia Taylor-Lind.

podcast – apr '23

Art at War | Episode 2: Mariia Ponomarova

by writer Lisa Weeda

Art at War is a series about, well… Art and war. Each episode writer and ArtEZ alumna Lisa Weeda explores what art can do in times of conflict with a special guest. In this episode that guest is Mariia Ponomarova.

podcast – apr '23

Art at War | Episode 3: Bakr Al Jaber

by writer Lisa Weeda

Art at War is a series about, well… Art and war. Each episode writer and ArtEZ alumna Lisa Weeda explores what art can do in times of conflict with a special guest. In this episode that guest is Bakr Al Jaber.

podcast – apr '23

Art at War | Episode 4: Mina Etemad

by writer Lisa Weeda

Art at War is a series about, well… Art and war. Each episode writer and ArtEZ alumna Lisa Weeda explores what art can do in times of conflict with a special guest. In this episode that guest is Mina Etemad.

podcast Dieuwke Slump – sep '20

Eventually I’d have to disappear. Chapter one with Milo Rau.

Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically.

Dieuwke talks to the controversial artist, activist and artistic director of NT Gent Milo Rau about the difference between art and activism; the never-ending project of deconstruction; and theatre plays as traces of a revolution.

podcast Dieuwke Slump – sep '20

Eventually I’d have to disappear. Chapter two with Anna Schlooz.

Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically.

Dieuwke talks to ArtEZ Theatre in Education- graduate Anna Schlooz who is now studying Autonomous Art- Performance in Ghent about real-life maps; the body of documentation; and a rhizome as political tool for documenting your work.

podcast Dieuwke Slump – sep '20

Eventually I’d have to disappear. Chapter three with Fonge Frieling.

Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically

Dieuwke talks to ArtEZ Theatre in Education- student Fonge Frieling, who is now the artistic director of the non-profit foundation TG Signum, on opening the archive of knowledge on deaf culture; her thoughts on living horizontally with the human and non-human; and she asked me some questions in return on my own archiving practises.

podcast Dieuwke Slump – sep '20

Eventually I’d have to disappear. Chapter four with Peggy Bouva and Maartje Duin.

Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work with them ethically, philosophically, artistically.

Dieuwke goes to Pakhuis de Zwijger to talk to Peggy Bouva and Maartje Duin, who collectively worked on the podcast ´The plantation of our forefathers´. Their conversation is about their working process and the difficulties with the archive, and rewriting your history by seeing all perspectives and all narratives.

podcast – mar '19

Diversity Stories, season 1

The podcast entitled Diversity Stories presents a kaleidoscopic interpretation of the topic of diversity from a student’s perspective. With very personal stories about gender and identity, outspoken criticism of the fashion system and more. With contributions by Silas Neumann, Hester Brands & Chet Bugter & Chinouk Filique de Miranda, Asu Aksu & Zahide Fürstenberger, Femke Bosma, Renske van Gelder & Tosca Mitkowska & Marieke Sytema (WIIS), Nina de Haas, Christine Ayo and Pelumi Adejumo.

podcast Elaine Mitchener – nov '20

Unheard Voices: podcast with Elaine Mitchener

In this episode of Radio ArtEZ, vocalist, movement artist and composer Elaine Mitchener offers background to her work and her ideas. She will focus on the unheard voices of statues, rooms, places. Who do monuments represent and who do they speak for?

podcast – may '20

Intersectionality: Definition, Hindrances & Accelerators (Equality in the Arts Pt. 1)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 5

This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts. This first episode goes deeper into the core tenet of the symposium and how it came into being. What models of change are there? How can we act together, from an intersectional and inclusive perspective? It features the complete keynote by Nancy Jouwe who kicked off the conference by making a strong case for intersectional thinking and acting in the arts and articulated the hindrances and accelerators for this in the Dutch art world.

Learn more about the Roadmap to Equality conference and other episodes of this podcast in the sub-file at the top of the page.

Essays, blogs & interviews

We published several articles in on equity. These articles were written in collaboration with Mister Motley and in collaboration with students, teachers, thinkers and artists.
We hebben verschillende artikelen gepubliceerd over gelijkheid. Deze artikelen zijn geschreven in samenwerking met Mister Motley en in samenwerking met studenten, docenten, denkers en kunstenaars.
blog Nagaré Willemsen – mar '20

Reflecting on the letter: The precarious body: analysing the black experience within the art school (2018)

A blog by Nagaré Willemsen.

After my performative reading of the letter ‘The precarious body: analysing the black experience within the art school’ in 2018, I was offered a job as the coordinator of USB (Black Student Union) at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut. A year before my graduation in 2017, the USB was initiated by students of African descent.

blog – apr '18

Performance, activisme en angst

Op vrijdag 13 april 2018 was de Nigeriaans-Amerikaanse curator, dichter en performancekunstenaar Jaamil Olawale Kosoko te gast bij Studium Generale in het programma White State – Black Mind.

Hoe kan performance helpen om vormen van geweld en onderdrukking, met name in relatie tot Black identities, bespreekbaar te maken? Kosoko ging in op deze vraag tijdens een filmvertoning met nagesprek, dat werd geleid door curator Lara Staal.

blog – sep '20

Reading List Feminism & Art

This reading list is based on the Feminist Reading Group organized by ArtEZ Studium Generale and Mister Motley. We are also grateful for the additional suggestions of Mirjam Westen (curator Museum Arnhem) and Rajae El Mouhandiz (researcher, theater maker, filmmaker, curator) and the preparatory research by intern Christianne van der Leest. We are aware that this list is far from exhaustive and keep us recommended for further suggestions. If the text of the book or article is only in Dutch, the description is also in Dutch.

blog Rita Ouédraogo – feb '20

Als dekoloniseren makkelijk was, zou iedereen het doen

Kunstenaar Christoph Buchel liet tijdens de Biënnale van Venetië de romp van een Tunesische vissersboot naar een van de hoofdlocaties komen om daar als werk tentoon te stellen.

blog Ingrid van Aert – apr '20

Deep Democracy for a good conversation a better conflict and the best decision

A blog by Ingrid van Aert and Marlies Leupen

Are you sure you are able to hear the different ideas of somebody else? What happens when your idea is (slightly) different from the rest and nobody is listening? Do you recognize how difficult co-working sometimes can be?

blog Pompadó Z.R. Martha – dec '20

I would like to tell you a story

Hello, My name is Pompadó Z.R. Martha, and I’m studying Theatre in Education at ArtEZ, and I am originally from Curaçao but have been living in a lot of places, which gives me a broad insight of the topic Diversity, Sporadic (De)Colonialism, and Inclusion.

blog Pompadó Z.R. Martha – feb '21

I would like to tell you a story: Multivocality

For ArtEZ Studium Generale, Pompadó writes about his personal experiences with racism within his education. These stories symbolize the many institutions where similar experiences are felt. When we have the will to change as an institute, we must also provide space for stories that can encourage change. That is why we think it is important to provide a platform for these personal stories.

Hello, My name is Pompadó Z.R. Martha, and I would like to tell you a story, do not worry, it will not take long; this was just the start… a story about multivocality.

blog – may '20

The dialogue in between

A conversation on Instagram between Natasja Wagendorp and Ashly Ho

The dialogue in between is a conversation between Natasja Wagendorp (BA Teacher of Visual Arts and Design department) and Ashly Ho (BA Dancer/Maker), both first year students of the Honours Programme. This dialogue on Instagram is an artistic exploration of gender, race, decolonization and power relations.

interview Maja Brouwer – mar '21

"My longing for clarity doesn’t always mesh well with the art academy"

Interview Coen van Kaam, fourth-year student of Illustration at ArtEZ Zwolle

Interview Coen van Kaam, fourth-year student of Illustration at ArtEZ Zwolle by Maja Brouwer.

news – jun '20

Platform BK shares Roadmap to Equality Conference report

We are happy to see the report on the Conference The Roadmap to Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands being a part of the list. Also in the list a super interesting subjective mapping of racism and sexism in art school in Flanders (and don’t let anyone tell you it is different in the Netherlands!).

news – nov '20

Kunstonderwijs, discriminatie en intimidatie: wij mogen onze ogen niet sluiten

Kijk of luister naar filosoof Petra van Brabandt die ons tijdens de conferentie Roadmap to Equality in the Arts niet alleen met schokkend onderzoek confronteerde over racisme en seksisme in hoger kunstonderwijs op basis van onderzoek naar verhalen van slachtoffers maar gelukkig ook met wat adviezen.

Videoregistations online events

We organized several online events on equity. Many of them in collaboration with Mister Motley, others in close collaboration with ArtEZ students and teachers.
We organiseerden verschillende online evenementen over equity. Veel daarvan in samenwerking met Mister Motley, andere in nauwe samenwerking met studenten en docenten van ArtEZ.
video – jul '20

Léon Kruijswijk: on AIDS activism and art

Video online event 17 June 2020

Voor het online lunch evenement The Way We Live Now nodigde curator Léon Kruijswijk je uit na te denken over twee verschillende stadia van de HIV / Aids-epidemie. Hoewel de kennis over en behandeling van het virus sinds de wereldwijde uitbraak aanzienlijk is verbeterd, is het virus al tientallen jaren wereldwijd verspreid en blijft HIV / Aids het dagelijkse leven van velen tot op de dag van vandaag bepalen.

video – may '20

Ama Josephine Budge & Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide: Tales from the Abyss

Video online event 13 May 2020

We were pleased to host an online lunch event on 13 May 2020 in collaboration with Mister Motley. A conversation with Ama Josephine Budge, moderated by Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide, curator at the Van Abbemuseum.

video – may '20

Chihiro Geuzebroek: Poetic Climate Justice & Indigenous Futurism

Videoregistratie online event 22 april 2020

Mister Motley en ArtEZ Studium Generale begonnen een online lunch event serie op woensdag 22 april 2020 met filmmaker and climate justice activist Chihiro Geuzebroek en spraken met haar over het verband tussen de klimaatbeweging, racisme en de rechten van Inheemse volken. En over de kracht van protestliederen en science fiction om dingen te veranderen.

video – feb '21

Video registration online Kitchen Table Conversation with Elaine Mitchener

On December 7, 2020 ArtEZ Studium Generale organised an online Kitchen Table Converstation with vocalist, movement artist and composer Elaine Mitchener.

In januari 2020 organiseerden we de conferentie The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts over de onmiskenbare onder- en misrepresentatie van vrouwelijke kunstenaars, WOC, non-binary en genderqueer kunstenaars in de Nederlandse kunstwereld.