
The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts

part of: Equality / Equity
In january 2020 we organized the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world.
In januari 2020 organiseerden we de conferentie The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts over de onmiskenbare onder- en misrepresentatie van vrouwelijke kunstenaars, WOC, non-binary en genderqueer kunstenaars in de Nederlandse kunstwereld.
publication – 20 mei 2020

Written Report Conference: The Roadmap to Equality in the Arts

In january 2020 we organized the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. Now we share with you a written report of the conference, in which you can follow our attempt to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, talking about missing data and new platform and mobilizing collective knowledge.

podcast – 20 mei 2020

Intersectionality: Definition, Hindrances & Accelerators (Equality in the Arts Pt. 1)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 5

This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts. This first episode goes deeper into the core tenet of the symposium and how it came into being. What models of change are there? How can we act together, from an intersectional and inclusive perspective? It features the complete keynote by Nancy Jouwe who kicked off the conference by making a strong case for intersectional thinking and acting in the arts and articulated the hindrances and accelerators for this in the Dutch art world.

podcast – 21 mei 2020

On the Importance of Data (Equality in the Arts Pt. 2)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 6

This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts. The second episode deals with the lack of overview of the situation in the visual arts in the Netherlands in terms of data and the critical situation in Dutch museum spaces with regards to representation. It features Agnès Saal of the French Ministry of Culture on data monitoring and evaluation as the only way to influence policies, Galit Eilat on her pioneering research into the collection of the Van Abbemuseum and Pauline Salet on her research into the percentage of female artists in eight Dutch museums initiated by Mama Cash.

podcast – 22 mei 2020

Discrimination and Harrassment in Arts Education (Equality in the Arts Pt. 3)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 7

This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts. The third episode is dedicated to higher arts education. Although female students dominate the art schools in the Netherlands it is startling to realize that the art-world continues to be male dominated. And even though art schools should offer safe and challenging spaces, sexist and racist mechanisms are still at play today. It features Petra Van Brabandt who offers a passionate and razor-sharp argument about the challenges that art education faces and the pitfalls it comes across.

podcast – 25 mei 2020

New Initiatives | Black Student Union (Equality in the Arts Pt. 4)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 8

This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts. The last episodes of this miniseries stresses the importance of new initiatives and platforms to enhance the visibility of artists often misrepresented and underrepresented in the ‘regular’ art world. Providing new models and giving access to experience and knowledge about new ways of acting, working, experiencing, learning and enjoying together.

podcast – 26 mei 2020

New Initiatives | Tender Center (Equality in the Arts Pt. 5)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 9

This fifth episode features Yin Yin Wong and Katherine MacBride of Tender Center and focusses on what an intersectional approach can possibly entail.

podcast – 27 mei 2020

Models of Change | Towards a Roadmap (Equality in the Arts Pt. 6)

Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 10

This sixth episode contains the closing panel of the conference on models of change. About what is really needed to bring about this much needed change and how we can be solidary catalysts. Special attention is paid to emotional labour and only fighting if you have enough agency. And about escaping the pornographic rhythm that neoliberalism forces us into. It features Nancy Jouwe, Delphine Bedel, Nagaré Willemsen, Yin Ying Wong and Katherine MacBride, Galit Eilat, Petra van Brabandt and members from the audience.

video – 10 jun. 2020

Conference keynote Nancy Jouwe (1/7)

The Roadmap for Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands, 18 January 2020

The moderator and keynote speaker of the day, Nancy Jouwe, made a strong case for intersectional thinking and acting in the arts in the Netherlands. Her keynote was composed out of three substantive issues: 1. Intersectionality, 2. Hindrances, 3. Accelerators.

video – 10 jun. 2020

Agnes Saal, Galit Eilat & Pauline Salet (2/7)

The Roadmap for Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands, 18 January 2020

What has changed in the art world since introducing the Fair Practice Code and Code Culturele Diversiteit? The under- and misrepresentation of women in the Dutch art world is undeniable. It is not only important to highlight different, intersecting mechanisms of oppression and exclusion, and how they work together, but also to question the binary categories of male and female. Only then we might find solutions to the underlying, structural mechanisms of exclusion.

video – 10 jun. 2020

Tender Center & presentation Naomie Pieter (read by Els Cornelis) (3/7)

The Roadmap for Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands, 18 January 2020

This intersectional and strategic coalition aims to advocate for equality, solidarity and diversity on every level, and address the under-representation and misrepresentation of women artists, women artists of colour, nonbinary and genderqueer artists. Many institutions still haven’t implemented a system of reporting racism, discrimination or harassment. How can we address this situation collectively?

video – 10 jun. 2020

Petra Van Brabandt & Anik Fournier (5/7)

The Roadmap for Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands, 18 January 2020

The afternoon session focused on the situation in Dutch higher art education. Art education holds a key position in the chain as it is the place where it all begins.

video – 10 jun. 2020

Marjolijn Brussaard, Isis Germano & Nagaré Willemsen (6/7)

The Roadmap for Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands, 18 January 2020

The afternoon session focused on the situation in Dutch higher art education. Art education holds a key position in the chain as it is the place where it all begins. Female students dominate the art schools in the Netherlands: between 2005 and 2013, 70% of the intake in fine art courses were women, but the balance has started to shift. It is startling to realise that although the majority is female students, the art-world continues to be mostly male dominated. Even if art schools should offer safe and challenging spaces, sexist and racist mechanisms still are at play today. How can we work at a change in art education and its institutions?

video – 10 jun. 2020

The Roadmap to Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands, 18 January 2020, panel: models for change (7/7)

With Galit Eilat, Tender Center (Yin Yin Wong & Katherine MacBride), Petra van Brabandt, Nagaré Willemsen and Delphine Bedel. Moderator: Nancy Jouwe

The conference The Roadmap to Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands aims to raise awareness, gather available data and mobilise existing networks and collective knowledge in order to establish a gender equality roadmap in the arts in the Netherlands. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels on data as a catalyst for change, quota, new platforms, art education, discrimination and harassment and models for change.
