New Initiatives | Tender Center (Equality in the Arts Pt. 5)
Radio ArtEZ, season 3, episode 9
podcasttopic: Equality / Equity
This six part miniseries is based on the conference The Roadmap to Equality In The Arts that took place 18 January 2020 and dealt with the undeniable under- and misrepresentation of women artists, Women of Colour, non-binary and genderqueer artists in the Dutch art world. With performances, keynotes, presentations and panels the conference attempted to establish stepping-stones on the path to gender equality in the arts by raising awareness, gathering data and mobilising existing networks and collective knowledge.
The last episodes of this miniseries stresses the importance of new initiatives and platforms to enhance the visibility of artists often misrepresented and underrepresented in the ‘regular’ art world. Providing new models and giving access to experience and knowledge about new ways of acting, working, experiencing, learning and enjoying together.
This fifth episode features Yin Yin Wong and Katherine MacBride of Tender Center and focusses on what an intersectional approach can possibly entail.
If you want to be involved in the workgroup, please contact:
Catelijne de Muijnck (ArtEZ studium generale)
Dephine Bedel (Meta/Books)
Els Cornelis

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