Nadja Tolokonnikova
peopleNadja Tolokonnikova is a rebel through and through. She rose to fame as a member of the punk band Pussy Riot. Their punk songs were an indictment of Poetin and the Church. In 2012 the band members were arrested for ‘subversive provocations’. Nadja ended up spending two years in a labour camp in Mordovia. This punishment failed to silence her. On the contrary, based on her diary notes from the labour camp, she wrote the book entitled ‘How to start a Revolution’, a kind of manifesto for the present day revolutionary.
Her 200th tip for the aspiring rebel is: ‘if you want change , get off your ass and do something. It’s self-service here’.
On 19 October 2017 Nadja gave a lecture and provided tips on how to become a Pussy Riot yourself. The lecture was followed by an interview with students, conducted by students, with Chris Keulemans in the chair, at the location: ArtEZ Conservatory Enschede.
Her 200th tip for the aspiring rebel is: ‘if you want change , get off your ass and do something. It’s self-service here’.
On 19 October 2017 Nadja gave a lecture and provided tips on how to become a Pussy Riot yourself. The lecture was followed by an interview with students, conducted by students, with Chris Keulemans in the chair, at the location: ArtEZ Conservatory Enschede.

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