peopleThe International Centre for Human Quantum and Encounter Engineering (ICHEE) is a research and artists collective founded in the mid 1980s in Bochum, Germany with the aim of nurturing a cross-discipline polylogue within-and out the fields of molecular biology, sociology, quantum-physics, psychology, sonology and performance studies. In early publications, such as Seeing the world through Utz (1984), Rhizome Etudes (1991) and An Encyclopaedia of all things sticky (1992), the notion of glue crystallized as a central concept of the centre’s research focus and, in 2016, led to the establishing of the research field of Post-Brangelinian Studies. Starting from the Faustian exclamation ‘That I may perceive whatever holds // the world together in its inmost folds’, ICHEE’s work oscillates and mediates between physical and meta-physical aggregate states of an understanding of glue, once more, within-and out situations of human interconnectivity.
Ines Wuttke (1984, Munich) studied Arts and Scenography at the University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe followed by studies in Applied Theater Science at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Gießen. She is a ICHEE member since 2016 and founding member of ICHEE’s Research think tank in Frankfurt am Main, focusing on ambivalent mental states in times of non-linear places of references. Most recent publications include ‘The good life and the fragility behind’ (in: JOAR, Journal for Artistic Research, Tel Aviv, 2013), ‘Melancholic Optimism. Different concepts of desire.’ (in: Peter Slang International Academic Publishers, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern u. a. 2015) and Towards a Definition of Post-Brangelian Studies (co-edited by Gaia Vogel and Elischa Kaminer, Symposium Verlag, 2016, Frankfurt am Main).
Gaia Vogel (1992, Bern) studied acting at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts. She is an ICHEE member since 2016 and founding member of ICHEE’s Research Hub for interpersonal aggregate state transformations and bilateral herbicide psychology. Working from ICHEE´s Berlin-based laboratories, her major research focus lies on indentifying emotional irregularities as low-radiation consequence for human quantum disturbances. Most important publications: ‘Interpersonal Quantum-Implosions’ in The Journal of Occidental Sexology, 2012, Berlin) , ‘The Erotic Encyclopedia of the pre-emotional Post-Capitalist-Effect’ in Magazyn Gospodarki emocjonalnej, 2013 Warsaw) and Towards a definition of the Post-Brangelian-Studies (2016).
Elischa Kaminer (1991, Frankfurt am Main) studied composition at the Royal Academy of Music, London followed by postgraduate studies at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. He is an ICHEE member since 2016 and founding member of ICHEE’s Research Hub for Sonology and Intra-Musical Terraforming in London. Recent publications focus on pre-natal dyadic relationships modeled around the fluctuations of the augmented fourth, such as in ‘SIC – or when I was seven breaths old’ (in: Collected Essays on Velocity, Hibbs Publishing, London 2014) and Towards a Definition of Post-Brangelian Studies (2016).
ICHEE taught a workshop together with Elke Van Campenhout and Caroline Ruijgrok: Intradividual: undoing or transforming fixed identities through three models of listening.
Ines Wuttke (1984, Munich) studied Arts and Scenography at the University of Arts and Design, Karlsruhe followed by studies in Applied Theater Science at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Gießen. She is a ICHEE member since 2016 and founding member of ICHEE’s Research think tank in Frankfurt am Main, focusing on ambivalent mental states in times of non-linear places of references. Most recent publications include ‘The good life and the fragility behind’ (in: JOAR, Journal for Artistic Research, Tel Aviv, 2013), ‘Melancholic Optimism. Different concepts of desire.’ (in: Peter Slang International Academic Publishers, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern u. a. 2015) and Towards a Definition of Post-Brangelian Studies (co-edited by Gaia Vogel and Elischa Kaminer, Symposium Verlag, 2016, Frankfurt am Main).
Gaia Vogel (1992, Bern) studied acting at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts. She is an ICHEE member since 2016 and founding member of ICHEE’s Research Hub for interpersonal aggregate state transformations and bilateral herbicide psychology. Working from ICHEE´s Berlin-based laboratories, her major research focus lies on indentifying emotional irregularities as low-radiation consequence for human quantum disturbances. Most important publications: ‘Interpersonal Quantum-Implosions’ in The Journal of Occidental Sexology, 2012, Berlin) , ‘The Erotic Encyclopedia of the pre-emotional Post-Capitalist-Effect’ in Magazyn Gospodarki emocjonalnej, 2013 Warsaw) and Towards a definition of the Post-Brangelian-Studies (2016).
Elischa Kaminer (1991, Frankfurt am Main) studied composition at the Royal Academy of Music, London followed by postgraduate studies at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen. He is an ICHEE member since 2016 and founding member of ICHEE’s Research Hub for Sonology and Intra-Musical Terraforming in London. Recent publications focus on pre-natal dyadic relationships modeled around the fluctuations of the augmented fourth, such as in ‘SIC – or when I was seven breaths old’ (in: Collected Essays on Velocity, Hibbs Publishing, London 2014) and Towards a Definition of Post-Brangelian Studies (2016).
ICHEE taught a workshop together with Elke Van Campenhout and Caroline Ruijgrok: Intradividual: undoing or transforming fixed identities through three models of listening.
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