Lecture by Hector Aristizábal: Imagining Peace? At Chaos & Conflict, organised by ArtEZ studium generale on 12 February 2016
War and violence are the expression of a collapse of imagination in societies polarized by conflict. Art is the place where humanity heals. Hector Aristizábal will share his experiences using theatre as a laboratory to find creative alternatives to conflict and as an ancient form of ritual. We are sometimes told that the Chinese character for crisis is made up of two components: danger and opportunity. Hector’s mentor Augusto Boal turned that around and demonstrated that conflict is both a crisis and an opportunity for change and those opportunities can be found in Theatre – the place where we can re-humanize ourselves and each other through the sharing and witnessing of our human stories.
War and violence are the expression of a collapse of imagination in societies polarized by conflict. Art is the place where humanity heals. Hector Aristizábal will share his experiences using theatre as a laboratory to find creative alternatives to conflict and as an ancient form of ritual. We are sometimes told that the Chinese character for crisis is made up of two components: danger and opportunity. Hector’s mentor Augusto Boal turned that around and demonstrated that conflict is both a crisis and an opportunity for change and those opportunities can be found in Theatre – the place where we can re-humanize ourselves and each other through the sharing and witnessing of our human stories.
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Chaos & Conflict
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people – 12 feb. 2016