Geertjan de Vugt
peopleGeertjan de Vugt is a literary theorist and essayist. In 2015 he obtained his PhD in Comparative Literature (cum laude) from Tilburg University with a genealogy of political dandyism: The Polit-Dandy: On the Emergence of a Political Paradigm. He is also the Dutch translator of Daniel Heller-Roazen’s The Enemy of All: Piracy and the Law of Nations. His interests range from political theory and aesthetics to play theory, the philosophy of war and contemporary poetry. Geertjan is currently writing a book on the cultural history of fingerprints.
Geertjan de Vugt and Olfa Ben Ali taught the workshop Refuse.
Geertjan de Vugt and Olfa Ben Ali taught the workshop Refuse.
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people – 16 mrt. 2017