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Our guests and partners

The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.
Catelijne de Muijnck, illustration by Coen van Kaam (student Illustration, ArtEZ Zwolle)

Catelijne de Muijnck

(English below)
Catelijne de Muijnck is programmamaker van ArtEZ Studium Generale en editor van het online platform voor (artistic) research APRIA. De laatste jaren richt ze zich op feministische en postkoloniale perspectieven en op onderzoek naar het potentieel van kunst om in te grijpen in de sociaal-politieke werkelijkheid en om actief in te gaan op actuele vragen over gelijkheid en vrijheid.

Recente (samenwerkings)projecten zijn:
Roadmap to Equality in the Arts (2020), een conferentie over gendergelijkheid in de kunsten.
De publicatie en online course Powertools (2023) over kunst en inclusiviteit (met vele voorbeelden van en opdrachten over artistieke strategieën - uit alle mogelijke disciplines - als inspiratiebron, startpunt voor discussie en als hulpmiddel om te begrijpen hoe artistieke praktijken zijn ingebed in een sociaal-politieke context.
De online bundel Secure Learning and Culture Environments, Making cultures in art schools.
De conferentie Future Art School: (Un)learning Practices ( 30 november en1 december 2023).

Catelijne de Muijnck is programme maker of ArtEZ Studium Generale and editor of the online platform for (artistic) research APRIA ( In recent years, she has focused on feminist and postcolonial perspectives and on researching the potential of art to intervene in socio-political reality and to actively address current questions about equality and freedom.

Recent (collaborative) projects include:
Roadmap to Equality in the Arts (2020), a conference on gender equality in the arts.
The publication and online course Powertools (2023) on art and inclusivity (with many examples of and assignments on artistic strategies - from all possible disciplines - as a source of inspiration, starting point for discussion and as a tool to understand how artistic practices are embedded in a socio-political context.
The online publication Secure Learning and Culture Environments, Making cultures in art schools.
The conference Future Art School: (Un)learning Practices ( 30 November and1 December 2023).

The Roadmap to Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands

A conference that addresses the under-representation and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC and nonbinary artists

conference18 Jan '20

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