AI (Art Intelligence) and/or AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  Synthetic Life - Translating for AI futures

Friday 29 November '24 The workshop is for ArtEZ students and staff only
12.00 - 17.00

taal: English
This workshop, part of the Doing (Artistic) Research Days 24/25, will set out to build new paradigms of human-AI symbiotic systems. All ArtEZ students, teachers and staff members are invited to participate. During the workshop afternoon, we will explore together in groups the possibilities of AI in your study, your art practice, research or work. Via the questionnaire, of which you will find the link below, you can answer some questions about the meaning of AI in your life and sign up for this workshop.

Workshop: AI (Art Intelligence) and/or AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Friday 29 November | 12.00 - 17.00
by the Professorship Music-based Therapies and Interventions at ArtEZ.

Reimagining current paradigms of AI proliferation

The need for reimagining current paradigms of AI proliferation stem from the opaque and alienating practices conducted in and by these systems, that need an urgent unpacking to make our bodies, relations and futures safer and more transparent. Through the strength of Humanities, Arts, Social Humanities (HASH), as a crucial mediator between human values and AI systems, we propose human centred systems to build towards sustainable, equitable and resilient futures for both humans and AI.

The workshop is part of the project: AI in Research and Education, led by the Professorship Music-based Therapies and Interventions at ArtEZ. The workshop, by Dr Artur C Jaschke and Vincent Zhong, will set out build new paradigms of human-AI symbiotic systems with five human centred values:

Relationality: how to recognise AI systems as relational, in order to examine the power dynamics it creates without acknowledging the complexity and diversity of human life.
Authority: how to reclaim human agency through human, social, cultural and artistic intervention; ethics by design; precautionary measures; and new governance frameworks for reliable, accountable and secure AI systems.
State of being: how to theorize new kinds of humans, that emerge from AI-human symbiosis, and safeguards for the well-being of communities that live in and with AI systems.
Inalienability: how to evaluate decisions of harm, extraction and exploitation by AI systems that intentionally alienate human users’ from their embodied data rights, thus creating strategies of technological literacy and power reclamation.
Future-proofing: how to serve the values of communities and uphold the importance of sustainability and safety in ethical, responsible and robust AI systems, and the futures they generate.

Via this link you'll find a questionnaire, which includes the registration form