
Future Art School

Future Art School is a Topic that ArtEZ Studium Generale has been working on for several years. Are the institutions in which artists are trained still appropriate for the new systems, questions and relations we need in the future? Essays and podcasts have been created on this theme, and various lectures and workshops have been organised. Here you will find an overview of all the material that Studium Generale has published and curated on this branch of research.
Future Art School - ArtEZ Studium Generale Topic
What will the Art School of the Future look like? How will it smell, taste, feel?  We collected examples and challenging experiments that make us think about art education in the future.

The present confronts us with major social, societal, political and climatic issues. Changes are needed to leave a safe, fair and livable world for future generations. The arts are more important than ever. When we look at the world around us from an artistic, creative perspective, we learn to see where the pain and the beauty lie, where the opportunity is, and where we can think again. But are the educational institutions in which artists and art educators are trained still suitable for the new systems, questions and relationships that we need to be prepared for the future?

Online Publications:

ArtEZ Studium Generale initiates, produces and publishes its own publications. This often takes place in close collaboration with lecturers, students, researchers or alumni of ArtEZ, but also with curators and lecturers from other art institutions and academies.
ArtEZ Studium Generale initieert, produceert en publiceert haar eigen publicaties. Dit gebeurt vaak in nauwe samenwerking met docenten, studenten, onderzoekers of alumni van ArtEZ, maar ook met curatoren en docenten van andere kunstinstellingen en academies.
publication Els Cornelis – 12 okt. 2023

Van een University of the Arts naar een Pluriversity of the Arts

Interviews over de toekomst van de kunsthogeschool

Deze bundel is voor iedereen die wil weten hoe de kunsthogeschool van de toekomst eruit zou kunnen zien. In 11 interviews zijn studenten, docenten, denkers en makers aan het woord over onderwerpen als sociale rechtvaardigheid, gedekoloniseerde curricula, inclusieve pedagogiek, omgangsvormen, waarden, machtsstructuren en het schoolgebouw.

publication – 26 jun. 2023

Powertools: Artistic Strategies for Social Change

Online publication about art and diversity

Powertools: Artistic Strategies for Social Change is an online publication about art and diversity. The essays you'll find in this publication examine the relationship between art and socio-political matters of power. This essay collection and the accompanying online course will be invaluable to teachers and students in art school and beyond.

publication Sol Archer – 13 jun. 2023

Secure Learning and Culture Environments

Making Cultures in Art Schools

This online publication contains seven conversations about how institutions have approached or experienced the need to create accountable learning spaces.

publication Fabiola Camuti – 12 feb. 2024

The Leading Learners' Pedagogy

A Future Art School toolkit

This toolkit serves as an introduction to the Leading Learner concept, offering key terms and practical guidance to facilitate its integration into educational practices. By embracing this approach, educators can embark on a journey towards creating more inclusive, sustainable, and impactful learning communities.

Conference Future Art School; (Un)learning Practices:

On Thursday 30 November and Friday 1 December 2023, ArtEZ Studium Generale organised a vibrant two-day event on the Future Art School in collaboration with Artisteducator in Theatre & Media, DBKV Zwolle and Professorship AeCT. Check out the recaps below and read all about the programme, speakers and experiences.
Op donderdag 30 november en vrijdag 1 december 2023 organiseerde ArtEZ Studium Generale in samenwerking met Artisteducator in Theater & Media, DBKV Zwolle en Lectoraat AeCT een bruisende tweedaagse over de Future Art School. Bekijk hieronder de terugblikken en lees alles terug over het programma, de sprekers en ervaringen.
blog – 13 dec. 2023

'Wat ik op de kunsthogeschool van de toekomst graag zou leren'

Terugblik op de conferentie Future Art School; (Un)learning Practices en openingswoord Lotte van den Berg

Bijna 350 docenten, studenten, medewerkers, hoofden, directeuren en andere managers namen deel aan de ArtEZ conferentie. Meer dan 40 studenten en collega’s en door hen aangedragen experts droegen bij aan de programmalijnen via een Open Call. Bekijk hier een foto verslag en lees het openingswoord van Lotte van den Berg.

APRIA publication | A retrospective as a step into the future

Looking back and ahead after the Future Art School conference, APRIA asked some of the speakers at the conference to contribute to an online publication that will keep the necessary conversation about the future art school going. Find essays, podcasts, interviews and toolkits with pioneering thoughts and perspectives on: Diversity, Inclusion and Social Safety; Assessments and Feedback; Learning Spaces; Post-human Pedagogogies in Practice; Technology; Creativity; and Research. Read these inspiring and motivating contributions here

Radio ArtEZ Podcasts:

ArtEZ Studium Generale has its own podcast channel: Radio ArtEZ. We make the episodes in collaboration with podcaster Dennis Gaens.
ArtEZ Studium Generale heeft een eigen podcast kanaal: Radio ArtEZ. De aflveringen maken we in samenwerking met radiomaker Dennis Gaens.
podcast – 23 jan. 2023

Teaching Art | Episode 1: Notes on the classroom

In the podcast series Teaching Art, creative writing teacher Dennis Gaens looks into what it means to teach art in the present day. In this three part series he looks into where we teach art, who teaches it and what exactly is being taught.

In this first episode, he first looks into some legendary art schools with art historian Joanne Dijkman. In the second part, he discusses the classroom and how we should approach it with writers and teachers Lorena Briedis and Jesse Ball.

podcast – 13 feb. 2023

Teaching Art | Episode 2: Notes on the Teacher

In this second episode, he explores who should be teaching art, what kind of stance is necessary. He does so in conversation with writers and teachers Jesse Ball, Lorena Briedis and John Vigna.

podcast – 21 feb. 2023

Teaching Art | Episode 3: Notes on What to Teach

In this final episode, we get into that last question. Dennis talks to his (distant) colleagues Jesse Ball, John Vigna and Lorena Briedis on what it is we teach when we teach art.

podcast – 06 mrt. 2023

Research in Art Education | Episode 1: Sharing Best Practices

In Research in Art Education, Fabiola Camuti interviews students, researchers, and managers working in university of the arts to discuss the importance, challenges, and possibilities of conducting research within arts academies.

In episode 1, Sharing Best Practices, Fabiola Camuti has interviewed Lulu Linders, Els Cornelis and Dorothea van der Meulen.

podcast Fabiola Camuti – 01 nov. 2023

Research in Art Education | Episode 2: The Circle of Doing Research

The Circle of Doing Research: a tool for art students is the title of the second episode. Joining the conversation are the developers of the circle, Miriam Rasch, Jojanneke Gijsen and Harma Staal.

podcast – 13 nov. 2023

A conversation with Mijke van der Drift and Agnieszka Anna Wołodźko

About Affect as Contamination

For this podcast, we invited philosopher, researcher and labour organizer Mijke van der Drift to engage with Agnieszka Anna Wołodźko, lecturer and researcher teaching contemporary philosophy and art-science at AKI Academy of Art and Design ArtEZ.

podcast – 01 apr. 2020

No School Station Pt. 1: No School & Urgency

No School Station, a four part podcast miniseries on education.These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions.

podcast – 07 apr. 2020

No School Station Pt. 2: No School & Magnetism

No School Station, a four part podcast miniseries on education.These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions.

podcast – 15 apr. 2020

No School Station Pt. 3: No School, No Home

No School Station, a four part podcast miniseries on education.These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions.

podcast – 21 apr. 2020

No School Station Pt. 4: No School, Yes Learning

No School Station, a four part podcast miniseries on education.These are exactly the times to rethink education because what is happening right now is showing us that just staying with the normal won’t do! Together with the Art education as Critical Tactics team of ArtEZ we bring you: No School Station, a four part miniseries on education outside of the educational institutions.

podcast – 22 apr. 2024

In full bloom

a conversation between Angela Jerardi and Giulia Bellinetti in the gardens of Jan van Eyck Academy

Essays & Blogs & Readings:

In this long-term series, we also like to give the floor to researchers, artists and teachers to share with us their (practical) insights on the art school of the future.
In deze meerjarige serie geven we ook graag de pen aan onderzoekers, kunstenaars en docenten om hun (praktische) inzichten over de kunsthogeschool van de toekomst met ons te delen.
essay Radna Rumping – 01 mrt. 2024

Curatorial Practices in Music: een positiebepaling

bijdrage dossier Future Art School

Curational Practices is een onderzoek naar de rol van curatorschap in het muziekonderwijs van de toekomst. Het is een samenwerking van ArtEZ Conservatorium Zwolle en ArtEZ Studium Generale. Curator Radna Rumping schreef ter afronding van de eerste fase een artikel met de uitnodiging tot ideeënvorming en onderzoek over de rol van curatorial practices in het muziekonderwijs van de toekomst.

blog Els Cornelis – 18 mei 2022

Contemplative Dialogue - round by round

The Contemplative Dialogue is not difficult to start up. However, as a workshop leader, it is especially important to provide a safe and calm environment. Els Cornelis lists here the different steps to initiate The Contemplative Dialogue yourself.

blog Nagaré Willemsen – 19 mrt. 2020

Reflecting on the letter: The precarious body: analysing the black experience within the art school (2018)

Nagaré Willemsen wrote a letter for our zine Diversity for What?. After her performative reading of the letter ‘The precarious body: analysing the black experience within the art school’ in 2018, she was offered a job as the coordinator of USB (Black Student Union) at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut.

essay Nishant Shah – 01 apr. 2020

May I Have Some More, Please?

Touchstones to hold digital education accountable for learning

An essay about digital learning by Nishant Shah, Director of Research and Outreach, and a Professor of Aesthetics and Cultures of Technology at ArtEZ University of the Arts.

video – 16 sep. 2019

Reading of Shy Radicals with Hamja Ahsan

On 28 May 2019 we had an intimate gathering and reading by artist and activist Hamja Ahsan of his book 'Shy Radicals: Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert'.



De Contemplatieve Dialoog

Communication as Radical Tool in Times of Societal Shift

12 feb. 2024
ArtEZ Zwolle. Lokaal Thea (besloten event master Kunsteducatie)

Future Art School; (Un)learning Practices | vrijdag 1 december

Programme Friday 1 December

01 dec. 2023
Perron038 | Gebouw 50 - Zwolle 10:00 - 14:00 uur

Future Art School; (Un)learning Practices | donderdag 30 november ochtend

Programme Thursday 30 November

30 nov. 2023
Perron038 | Gebouw 50 - Zwolle 09:30 - 13:00 uur

Future Art School; (Un)learning Practices | donderdag 30 november middag

Programme Thursday 30 November

30 nov. 2023
Perron038 | Gebouw 50 - Zwolle 14:00 - 16:30 uur

Daytrip Indulgent Reading in the Train

Workshop in the context of the Indulgent Reading Group

12 jun. 2023
Live / Travel in the train June 12 (whole day)

Pillow Talk - v

08 jun. 2023
ArtEZ Mediatheek Arnhem 17.00-19.00

Pillow Talk - iv

Propositions for intimate reading

25 mei 2023
ArtEZ Mediatheek Arnhem 17.00-19.00

Leesgroep: Pillow Talk - III

Propositions for intimate reading

11 mei 2023
ArtEZ Mediatheek Arnhem 17.00-19.00

Pillow Talk - II

Propositions for intimate reading

13 apr. 2023
ArtEZ Mediatheek Arnhem 17.00-19.00
reading group

Pillow Talk - I

Propositions for intimate reading

30 mrt. 2023
ArtEZ Mediatheek Arnhem 17.00-19.00
reading group

Temporarily Untitled Reading Group

Indulgent reading and collective knowledges

01 feb. 2023
Hybrid: Critical Fashion Studies Space @ Critical Fashion Practices (Middengebouw, Onderlangs 9, Arnhem) + online zoom 17.00-19.00

Pluriversity of the Arts - De toekomst van de kunsthogeschool

workshop en studiosessie

18 mei 2021 → 20 mei 2021
18 mei workshop & 20 mei studiosessie