Lecture: Dan Hassler-Forest – What is the influence of media on identity?

topic: Identity
Lecture by Dan Hassler-Forest on media representation of gender and male white privilege. At ArtEZ studium generale event Lost in Transition – Identity in a chaning world on 16th of March 2017.

Since the American elections of last November, a debate has erupted about fake news, filter bubbles, and ‘post-truth’ politics. This desperation and division is related to great changes in our media landscape, where ‘mass media’ are increasingly being replaced by ‘social media’. How does this affect our sense of identity? How do media makers and celebrities tap into these new types of media now? Can we still speak of mass media or do we already live in the age of totally individualized algorithms?

In his lecture, media scholar Dan Hassler-Forest will address these questions, using media theory and examples from politics and popular culture.

On 16 March 2017 ArtEZ studium generale organized this lecture at Rozet, Arnhem during the event Lost in Transition. Identity in a changing world.
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Dan Hassler-Forest