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Radio ArtEZ

Since 2019, we have our own podcast channel: Radio ArtEZ. The podcast features personal stories and urgent research by ArtEZ students, staff and some of our guests and recordings of Studium Generale events. Listen to Radio ArtEZ here or via your favourite podcast app.

Moral Shame Talks: Belonging Groups

Episode 2


Moral Shame Talks is a podcast series of three episodes that explores the complexities of consumers’ moral shame in the context of the sustainability debate within the fashion industry. By tackling moral shame –a form of shame that consumers experience in their consumer behaviour while knowing they are not making sustainable choices – stories can be told about the complexity and systemics of the fashion industry and the sustainability debate in it. In the podcast series Lindy Boerman, finals student of the ArtEZ Master Fashion Strategy, collects different ideas, critical perspectives and personal thoughts. By including personal stories consumers have about moral shame and reflecting on this together with people from various professional background and with various perspectives she gives meaning to, and places moral shame in the contemporary context.

Episode 2: Belonging Groups

In this episode, Esra van Koolwijk, (MA student Sociology Radboud University)) and Lindy discuss moral shame from a sociological perspective. Therefore, this episode investigates moral shame of consumers in relation to their social environment and examines how and whether moral shame functions as a dividing line between different groups of people.

Show notes

Sources Esra mentions

For more information about post materialism, please visit this link:

Shame as a human emotion can be found in the book of Rutger Bregman named De meeste mensen deugen.

Bourdieu & his ideas of capital are discussed in this article: Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital. In: Richardson, J., Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. Westport, CT: Greenwood: 241–58.

For the work of Hans Eikelboom see this article:

For more information on how lower educated people having less mental space:

Sources Lindy mentions

The story of Dior after the second world-war called Red Petals can be read here:

Book of Jennifer Jacquet where she mentions how the rich can buy their way out of environmental guilt: Jacquet, J. (2015) Is SHAME really necessary? New uses for an old tool. New York: Pantheon Books.

The work of the exactitudes Lindy discusses:

The article that discusses with the title how the new elite distinguishes itself through yoga, podcasts and oat milk: