Jojanneke Gijsen
peopleJojanneke Gijsen is als docentopleider en onderzoeker binnen het Research Station gespecialiseerd in het verbinden van de creatieve praktijk, theorie en onderzoek en hoe dit binnen een curriculum van een kunstopleiding kan worden geïmplementeerd. In de afgelopen jaren heeft ze zich gericht op hoe het onderzoeksproces van de student zichtbaar kan worden gemaakt, geduid en gecommuniceerd, Hiervoor heeft ze gekeken naar de verschillende perspectieven van zowel bachelorstudenten als collega’s op het doen van onderzoek, door een groep studenten te volgen tijdens het onderzoeksproces in de laatste fase van hun studie.
Jojanneke Gijsen, educator and researcher within the Research Station at Willem de Kooning Academy, specializes in the integration of creative practice, theory, and research, particularly focusing on how these elements can be effectively implemented within the curriculum of an art education program. Over the past few years, her primary focus has been on making the research process of students visible, comprehensible, and communicable. To achieve this, she has examined the various perspectives of both undergraduate students and colleagues regarding research endeavors. This involved closely monitoring a group of students throughout the research process during the final phase of their studies.
Jojanneke Gijsen, educator and researcher within the Research Station at Willem de Kooning Academy, specializes in the integration of creative practice, theory, and research, particularly focusing on how these elements can be effectively implemented within the curriculum of an art education program. Over the past few years, her primary focus has been on making the research process of students visible, comprehensible, and communicable. To achieve this, she has examined the various perspectives of both undergraduate students and colleagues regarding research endeavors. This involved closely monitoring a group of students throughout the research process during the final phase of their studies.
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