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In the Studium Generale programme you will find several commissioned video portraits made by Irene Constandse and Kees Veling. But you can also find video essays made by artists and registrations of various events in our video collection.
Video Portraits, Video Essays & Video Registrations of Event
In the Studium Generale programme you will find several commissioned video portraits made by Irene Constandse and Kees Veling. But you can also find video essays made by artists and registrations of various events in our video collection.
Trifecta ... the visceral, the virtual and the vulnerable
Video of event with velvet leigh and Jules Sturm
videodossier: Body and power(lessness)
ArtEZ Studium Generale and platform for contemporary art P–OST organized an evening on 13 April 2022 with writer and performer velvet leigh (ArtEZ DAI Art Praxis), and theorist and educator Jules Sturm (Zurich University of the Arts). It was an evening of performance and conversation, addressing themes of vulnerability, body, temporality and the chronic.
A trifecta is a group or series of three; a triad. It is also a type of bet, in which a wager is made on a particular outcome. It involves risk, endurance and placing one's 'fate', as it were, into the future unknown. What happens when the physiological functioning of a body slides into deterioration or breakdown? How does the experience of being in a body that is unreliable create temporal rifts and elisions, where the chronic becomes not only a stretching, or expanding, of time, but also of perception, of interoception: the sensations and experiences from inside the body. The performance of trifecta, by velvet leigh, proposes to take us along for a deep and vulnerable dive.
This event was part of our theme of this study year 'The body and Power(lessness)', on how we physically experience autonomy, power(lessness), (in)justice, care and collectivity.
This event was part of our theme of this study year 'The body and Power(lessness)', on how we physically experience autonomy, power(lessness), (in)justice, care and collectivity.
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