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Our guests and partners

The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.
Vivian Caccuri working on an embroidery for Mosquito Shrine

Vivian Caccuri

Vivian Caccuri (1986, São Paulo, Brazil) lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. She investigates musical cultures and sound productions in a broad sense, proposing experiments with sound that go further than the auditory field and encompass the visual, the corporeal and the technological. Through objects, installations, performances and original music, Caccuri creates situations that disorient the everyday experience and, consequently, interrupt perceptions sedimented in culture and ingrained in cognitive structures. The artist sheds light on historical and cultural conditionings that establish distinctions between noise, music, natural sounds and silence. The constructions of Soundsystems in various materials and contexts highlights the collective meaning and, so often, the censorship of certain musical expressions. Thus, her work assumes a strong political sense. In recent years, mixing scientific data and fiction, Vivian Caccuri has investigated mythologies involving the mosquito and other insects. Narrated in embroidery and drawings, these works retell and update stories that describe the human aversion to these animals, both as epidemic agents and for their sound emissions.