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The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.
Our guests and partners
The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.
School of Missing Men
The School of Missing Men takes as it starting point the fact that 75 percent of students at BEAR are women, a norm ratio in art schools across the Netherlands and abroad. How is it then that the art-world continues to be for the most part male dominated? The goal is to see how we can learn from our current situation, to see it both as a set of systemic problems to investigate as well as a series of opportunities to take hold of. Looking into social behaviors and the values ascribed to them, as performed in a poignant manner in Ahsan’s Shy Radicals, becomes a crucial site to collectively reflect on and trouble existing norms.
Theatre for social change!
Using Theatre of the Oppressed, a method by Augusto Boal, by Maike Koolhaas and Jennifer van Exel
empowerment training11 May '19
Assertieve Communicatie Training (Nederlandse gesproken)
Sarita Bajnath
empowerment training30 Mar '19
The Roadmap to Equality in the Arts in the Netherlands
A conference that addresses the under-representation and misrepresentation of women artists, WOC and nonbinary artists
conference18 Jan '20