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Our guests and partners

The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.

Marloeke van der Vlugt

Marloeke van der Vlugt is a Dutch artist and researcher. She graduated in Theatre Studies, Scenography (Goldsmith’s Academy London) and Choreography (Laban Centre London). As a scenographer and video maker she has worked with a number of (international) directors and theatre groups. At DasArts she specialised herself, acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge on the relationship between technology and performance.
Since then she has been working as a freelance concept developer for institutions like Waag Society and as an independent artist and director of interactive, audio-visual and performative installations. Marloeke has recently written a book: Performance_As_Interface|Interface_As_Performance, in which she illustrates how technological development and artistic expression intertwine in her work.

In collaboration with Karien Vermeulen she gave a workshop on November 6 2015.

Frankenstein Festival

A three-day festival on man and art in a technological future

one day festival06 Nov '15