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Our guests and partners

The Studium Generale programme is established in collaboration with students and teachers at ArtEZ and many other artists and researchers. Here you can find an overview of all our guests and partners.

Irene Müller

Irene Müller is een van de kerndocenten van de opleiding Corpo-real. Ze is ruimtelijk ontwerper, trainer en consultant voor Economy for the Common Good. Ze hanteert een breed begrip van design, als 'Gestaltung' ook van sociale en politieke interventies en idealen. Ze is geïnteresseerd in post-eigendom-ideologiën, distributieve economie, nieuwe democratische praktijken en hoe deze ideeën te relateren aan ruimte, design en kunst. In haar werk met studenten is ze nieuwsgierig naar hun idealen en hoe zij hun invloed waarnemen en vergroten.

Irene Müller is one of the core-tutors of the Corpo-real programme. She is a spatial designer, and a trainer and consultant for Economy for the Common Good. She conceives design broadly, as ‘Gestaltung’ also of social and political interventions and ideals. She is interested in post-proprietarian ideologies, distributive economy, new democratic practices and how to relate these ideas with space, design and art. In her work with students she is curious about their ideals and how they perceive and increase their influence.