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Hello Summer!

Some reading, listening and viewing tips

Freedom, time and space. The ideal ingredients for reflection. We offer you some listening, reading and viewing tips for the necessary inspiration and ideas. For on the beach, in the hammock or while traveling. Enjoy your summer!

The Descent of Man - Grayson Perry

By now we all know that gender is a social construct. Or do we? Take some time for this great little book on men… Did you know that until the nineteenth century pink was certainly a very suitable colour for boys? How does masculinity operate? Could it be in need of an urgent upgrade? Fascinating (Turner) price winning artist Grayson Perry looks with a witty, quirky, non-macho and very personal approach at how it could make the world a better place – for everyone! ArtEZ mediatheek in Arnhem & Zwolle certainly has some copies!

Drift - Bregtje Hofstede

Over een jonge vrouw die na tien jaar samenzijn besluit bij haar jeugdvriend weg te gaan. Het enige wat ze meeneemt is een rugzak vol met dagboeken. ‘Ergens in mijn backpack moet het antwoord zitten op de vraag waarom ik ondanks al mijn woorden een verhaal leef dat aan mijn grip ontsnapt.’ Een zoektocht naar de betekenis van ware liefde en tegelijkertijd een pijnlijk relaas van de opoffering die iedere kunstenaar kent. Voortreffelijke autofictie voor slapeloze zomernachten.

Shy Radicals: The antisystemic politics of the millitant introvert - Hamja Ahsan

"The Sensitive White Man is an oppressed class. (..) Every bastion of the Sensitive White Man is vunarable. This requiers our intervention.''

Hamja Ahsan was our guest and we were impressed by his funny but also powerful story. A statement for the introverted and shy people of this world. In his booklet he writes about Aspergistan (a fictional country) but also about building a Shy Radical student movement and #occupybedroom. The latter appeals to us ;-) This holiday in bed with Shy Radicals.

Brazen, rebel ladies who rocked the world - Penelope Bagieu

Fun (intersectional) feminism. Does that exist? With this Graphic Novel, Penelope Bagieu has succeeded in showing something of it. Super informative too. Did you know the story of mermaid Annette Kellerman? What about Josephine Baker and the bearded woman again? Great as a toilet book or in your lazy hammock.

NB Nederlandse titel is Wereldwijven (deel 1 en 2)

Podcast: The Guilty Feminist

'I’m a feminist but… one time I went on a women’s rights march, and I popped into a department store to use the loo, and I got distracted trying out face cream. And when I came out the march was gone.'

Feeling like guilt-free laughing and hearing about topics ‘all 21st century feminists agree on’ while confessing their insecurities, hypocrisies and fear that undermine their lofty principles? Listen to the very funny The Guilty Feminist, an award-winning podcast and live show with guests hosted by Deborah Frances-White. Each episode begins with the words ‘I'm a feminist, but...’,

Coisa mais Linda

And then just relax on the couch. Welcome to the '50s, Rio de Janeiro, Bossanova, chilll .... About daring to be yourself, discover your own strength and be freed from the yoke of traditions. We can still learn from this these days!