
Temporarily Untitled Reading Group - iii

Indulgent reading and collective knowledges

15 mrt. 2023 Hybrid: Critical Fashion Studies Space @ Critical Fashion Practices (Middengebouw Arnhem) + online zoom

If you have any questions about the text we will be reading this week or anything in general about this reading group, don't hesitate to contact Fai Aldhukair at:
Are you a master’s student and do you feel the need to indulge in reading outside the classroom? To read and think together? Come and join this reading group that is an initiative by Fai Aldhukair (Ma Student Home of Performance Practice and junior curator @ Studium Generale ArtEZ).

What do we read for in our education?
Who do we read for in our education?
Why do we read in our education?

This reading group, focussed at ArtEZ Ma students, proposes a space to create knowledge through reading together.

Creating language in a space based on collectively chosen texts to communicate how we relate to this knowledge within the context of a reading group.
An attempt at collective knowledge creation and finding other ways to create knowledge.
Embedded in a recognition of the temporal and spatial particularities (here and now) where language is a locatable tool of power relations.
Creating a space that enables a dedicated practice of reading outside the classroom.

We will use the method of the contemplative dialogue.

Frequency: bi-monthly (hybrid: live at Critical Fashion Studies Space @ Critical Fashion Practices (Middengebouw Arnhem) + online zoom)

Deelnemen via Zoom:

Vergadering-ID: 919 8366 5179
Wachtwoord: 279654
It is not necessary to be present at all sessions to be part of the collective.

Dates: 1 February, 15 February, 1 March, 15 March, 29 March, 12 April, 3 May, 17 May, 31 May, 14 June, 28 June
Time: 17-19 hours
Location: (hybrid: live at Critical Fashion Studies Space @ Critical Fashion Practices (Middengebouw Arnhem) + online zoom)
Food at live sessions: Some pizzas provided by ArtEZ SG and please bring some food and drinks to share.
Target group: Main focus group is ArtEZ Master’s students but others can apply.
Organization: Fai Aldhukair (ArtEZ Studium Generale)

Signing up means you want to be part of the collective. We understand that you probably will not be able to attend all sessions, in that case we ask you to let us know at least one day in advance through:
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