Jackie Sumell, JoAnne Bland, Jeremiah Day - Xavier University, New Orleans 2014

Selma, Dr. King and Today: The Jigsaw Puzzle of Social Movements with Joanne Bland

Looking at the role of the guide, witness and story-teller to motivate people to resist and to switch to action. Hosted by Jeremiah Day

Thursday 21 November '19 auditorium, Arnhem

taal: English spoken
entree: Free entrance, please register below
Illumination may well come less from theories and concepts than from the uncertain, flickering and often weak light that some men and women, in their lives and their works, will kindle…
Hannah Arendt

ArtEZ is proud to invite Joanne Bland, the civil rights memory activist from Selma, Alabama, who was one of the youngest people to march over the Edmund Pettis Bridge with Martin Luther King Jr and has since become one of the most important figures transmitting that history through her talks, tours and work establishing the Civil Rights Museum.

Uniquely combining personal experience and broader reflection on the nature of political action, Joanne Bland has been invited precisely as a kind of exemplar whose experience has bearing on the current moment which spans the conflict over race-nationalism and the appearance of child-activists and student strikes.

Since 2008, Day has travelled to Alabama as part of his own memory project there, and he will frame Bland's presentation in connection to contemporary artistic questions.

Organized by Jeremiah Day, ArtEZ BEAR, The School of Missing Men and ArtEZ studium generale.