Inclusive urbanism
Creating inclusive urban spaces by Placemaking
20 nov. 2019 het LAB, ArtEZ Zwolle → Rhijnvis Feithlaan 50, Zwolle
Toegang: Admission is free, just register belowHost: Mirjam Zegers
taal: English/Dutch spoken
Are you interested in creating inclusive urban spaces? How can artists contribute to improve public spaces by co-envisioning and co-creating with the neighbourhood residents, entrepreneurs and other local parties? Can we strengthen the connection between people and the places they share? Can we facilitate creative patterns of use of space? How can we, while doing so, pay attention to the physical, cultural and social identities that define a space and its users? Have a seat at the table (with PIZZA and drinks), dive into the interesting world of placemaking and exchange ideas about inclusive urban spaces with Saar van der Spek, Placemaker Anna Dekker, the students of Corpo-real and others.
During this Kitchen Table Conversation we dive into the methodology of Placemaking. Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community.
We kick off with a short Placemaking exercise, led by Saar van der Spek in the vicinity of the LAB. Afterwards, Anna Dekker of Placemakers will introduce you to the methodology of Placemaking. We conclude with a discussion between the Corpo-real students, Anna Dekker, Saar van der Spek and, of course, you!
Saar van der Spek is founder of Ontroerende Zaken and teacher at the bachelors programme International Lifestyle Studies of Fontys Hogeschool. She is interested in the “soft side of cities” and develops visions of the future, programmes and advice on living environments.
Anna Dekker is a team member of Placemakers Amsterdam and co-founder of Studio Lonk. With a background in sociology, urban planning and a MA ‘City Design and Social Science’ (LSE), Anna always reflects on the dialectics between the social and physical organization of cities. As a Placemaker, Anna connects large themes to small scale interventions that combine the expertise of citizens and professionals.
The evening is co-hosted by students of the interior architecture master Corpo-real who use placemaking as a way of conducting site specific research in the neighbourhood of Diezepoort. They aim to provide local stakeholders with the necessary tools to develop their own neighbourhood..
During this Kitchen Table Conversation we dive into the methodology of Placemaking. Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community.
We kick off with a short Placemaking exercise, led by Saar van der Spek in the vicinity of the LAB. Afterwards, Anna Dekker of Placemakers will introduce you to the methodology of Placemaking. We conclude with a discussion between the Corpo-real students, Anna Dekker, Saar van der Spek and, of course, you!
Saar van der Spek is founder of Ontroerende Zaken and teacher at the bachelors programme International Lifestyle Studies of Fontys Hogeschool. She is interested in the “soft side of cities” and develops visions of the future, programmes and advice on living environments.
Anna Dekker is a team member of Placemakers Amsterdam and co-founder of Studio Lonk. With a background in sociology, urban planning and a MA ‘City Design and Social Science’ (LSE), Anna always reflects on the dialectics between the social and physical organization of cities. As a Placemaker, Anna connects large themes to small scale interventions that combine the expertise of citizens and professionals.
The evening is co-hosted by students of the interior architecture master Corpo-real who use placemaking as a way of conducting site specific research in the neighbourhood of Diezepoort. They aim to provide local stakeholders with the necessary tools to develop their own neighbourhood..
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