About us
ArtEZ Studium Generale curates and organises gatherings, courses, podcasts and publications ranging from immediate societal issues to bold abstract concepts, from climate crisis to identity issues. Our aim is relatively modest. We are not trying to change the world (but if that happens, cool!). Our wish is to create a space to ask probing questions, steer discussions and empower each other to face the future and our (artistic) role in it. And we invite you to get out of your bubble, engage in the debate, meet new people, discover new perspectives, and have a drink.
Are you interested in working together? Feel free to contact us. You can find the contact details of our programme makers below.

Dennis Gaens


Dennis Gaens is schrijver en radiomaker. In 2014 lanceerde hij de literaire podcast ondercast en sindsdien produceert hij onder diezelfde naam ook podcasts in opdracht. Gaens is verbonden aan ArtEZ als kerndocent bij Creative Writing.

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Praktijken van Onderzoek | Dennis Gaens


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