Performance ‘My home at the Intersection’ Abhishek Thapar / Afra Tafri Creations
21 mrt. 2025 Plaatsmaken → Klarendalseweg 82a, Arnhem
17.00 uur
Toegang: gratisentree: gratis
Wat betekent ‘thuis’ als je opgroeit te midden van geweld, terrorisme en politieke spanningen? Wat betekent ‘thuis’ als je er onvrijwillig bent weggegaan?
De Indiase regio Punjab was ruim dertig jaar het toneel van geografische en culturele scheuring, ingrijpende etnografische conflicten, kolonialistische inmenging en globaal kapitalisme. In My home at the intersection verwerkt theatermaker Abhishek Thapar met behulp van theater, film, maquette en zelfs smaken, zijn familietrauma. In de intieme setting van zijn performance toont Abhishek Thapar momenten van een persoonlijke reis naar een verwrongen verleden in dialoog met documenten van een poging tot een ritueel van "teruggaan" om er zeker van te zijn dat je het verleden bent vergeten.
tekst en spel Abhishek Thapar samen met Venu Thapar, Dr. Shveta Grover en Ashok Thapar dramaturgisch support Maria Roessler tekstadvies Divya Nadkarni adviseurs Floris van Delft en Jeroen Fabius cinematograaf Sahib Gill filmmontage Jeanette Groenendaal en Rinku Kalsy muziekcompositie Kabeer Kathpalia kostuum Loise Braganza onderzoek Abhishek Thapar en Swati Simha met bijdragen van dr. Sudha Thapar, Dr. Neelu Koura, Dr. Pawan Thapar en Karan met dank aan Chandana Sarma, Arash Qajar, Amandeep Sandhu, Jimmy Grima, Barbara van Lindt, Juul Beeren, Vera van Baal, Martin Brans, Mirko Lazovic.
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Duur 60 min
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Entree is gratis
Duur 60 min
Performance ‘My home at the Intersection’ Abhishek Thapar / Afra Tafri Creations
What does ‘home’ mean when you grow up amid violence, terrorism and political tensions? What does ‘home’ mean if you left it involuntarily?
For over 30 years, the Indian region of Punjab was the scene of geographical and cultural rupture, sweeping ethnographic conflicts, colonialist interference and global capitalism. In My home at the intersection, theatre-maker Abhishek Thapar uses theatre, film, maquette and even tastes, to process his family trauma. In the intimate setting of his performance, Abhishek Thapar shows moments of a personal journey into a twisted past in dialogue with documents of an attempt at a ritual of ‘going back’ to make sure you have forgotten the past.
For over 30 years, the Indian region of Punjab was the scene of geographical and cultural rupture, sweeping ethnographic conflicts, colonialist interference and global capitalism. In My home at the intersection, theatre-maker Abhishek Thapar uses theatre, film, maquette and even tastes, to process his family trauma. In the intimate setting of his performance, Abhishek Thapar shows moments of a personal journey into a twisted past in dialogue with documents of an attempt at a ritual of ‘going back’ to make sure you have forgotten the past.
text and acting Abhishek Thapar along with Venu Thapar, Dr Shveta Grover and Ashok Thapar dramaturgical support Maria Roessler text advice Divya Nadkarni advisors Floris van Delft and Jeroen Fabius cinematographer Sahib Gill film editing Jeanette Groenendaal and Rinku Kalsy music compositionKabeer Kathpalia costume Loise Braganza research Abhishek Thapar and Swati Simha with contributions from Dr Sudha Thapar and Swati Simha. Sudha Thapar, Dr Neelu Koura, Dr Pawan Thapar and Karan with thanks to Chandana Sarma, Arash Qajar, Amandeep Sandhu, Jimmy Grima, Barbara van Lindt, Juul Beeren, Vera van Baal, Martin Brans, Mirko Lazovic.
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Entrance is free
Duration 60 min
Would you like to be there? Send an email to
Entrance is free
Duration 60 min
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