Learning community: How do we ‘practice' time differently?
with Katía Truijen and Laure van den Hout
26 apr. 2023 Auditorium@AKI Enschede → Hulsmaatstraat 35, Enschede
taal: English
We hope you will join us this afternoon for a lively exchange on 'the making of social practices in the fields of art, publishing, music, and writing, research and curating'. Our guests, Katía Truijen and Laure van den Hout will engage in a conversation on time, daily rhythms, productivity and how their practices (variously) have evolved in and against the dominion of time.
Katía Truijen
For this occasion, musician, curator and media researcher Katía Truijen will speak about research and curation as a social practice. She will unpack some recent projects and ongoing collaborations that deal with notions of time and listening, including Time Troublers and Time Out which she co-organized as part of Loom, the podcast Something Temporary together with cultural anthropologist Laurie Hermans, and the Rewire festival context programme Times and Territories. Departing from these various examples and formats, Katía will discuss ways to collectively develop new and artistic approaches to dealing with (a lack of) time, while discussing social and political dimensions of different temporalities. How do we ‘practice' time differently?
The Sea as a Metronome by Laure van den Hout
On the occasion of the launch of her essay The Sea as a Metronome, director/editor-in-chief of art magazine Mister Motley Laure van den Hout has selected excerpts from the text which she will share in multiple ways—in the space and in the conversation. In this essay, Laure departs from nature as the elemental clock, which conveys an experience of time that is formed by the fluctuations of ‘approaches and recedings’. Think of the moon and the sun—one nears when the other has departed, one signals darkness while the other brings light, and together they ebb and flow. Like water, and the many guises it takes on, Laure notes that one cannot enforce the state one is in at a given moment in time, and that productivity to the extent we are used to is likely a forced state. ‘Makability’ and makeable time have their limits.
Learning community: How do we ‘practice' time differently?
with Katía Truijen and Laure van den Hout
Wednesday 26 April - 14.30-16.30 hrs
Auditorium@AKI Enschede
with Katía Truijen and Laure van den Hout
Wednesday 26 April - 14.30-16.30 hrs
Auditorium@AKI Enschede
About The learning community - interdepartmental programme
The learning community is an interdepartmental programme for all the second-year bachelor students at AKI. For the upcoming series of presentations and tutorials, Studium Generale invites artists, writers, curators and cultural workers to introduce us to the way they approach art, design, writing and other cultural work as a social practice, and to expand upon their (political) positioning, ways of working, collaborating, researching and making. The aim is to create a space where two people from the field meet to engage with one another’s work, and to create a space for lively dialogue and exchange between them and the students.
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people – 26 apr. 2023