my mouth is a queer time machine, by Lyam B. Gamel
my mouth is a queer time machine, by Lyam B. Gamel

Holding one another in time

An embodied research evening through queer encounters

15 nov. 2022 AKI Enschede, auditorium

Toegang: free, please register in the form below
taal: English spoken
“Heterosexuality is redeemed as the difference that makes time possible. Without the differentiation emblematised by heterosexual desire, there is no ‘purpose’ to measuring time.”Elisabeth Freeman
It’s a pleasure to invite all of you to Holding one another in time – an embodied research evening through queer encounters, specially developed and facilitated for this occasion at AKI Enschede by social designer, researcher and activist Roberto Perez Gayo. In this workshop, we will explore with/through our bodies the relationship between time, rhythm and social justice.

Once in this space, the workshop will present a selection of methods and strategies with which to deconstruct and understand our own behaviour & identities into a set of interrelated parameters articulated through time and space that rest upon improvisation, individual and collective decisions, events, structures, conditions, agreements and degrees of intensities. The approach and structuring of this workshop is informed by queer and intersectional frameworks and methods within design/artistic research, which will be unpacked by Roberto through their work.

Holding one another in time, an embodied research evening through queer encounters. Articulated as a series of spatial and temporal conditions within which we will explore rhythm both as a disciplinary, normative device and as a subversive tool in the forging of alternate forms of living and collectivity. Time as a unique form of power that resides in and articulates itself through our bodies across a multiplicity of rhythms, trajectories, and routines of everyday life.

Please feel welcome to join us and Roberto Perez Gayo Tuesday November 15th between 16:30-19:30 @Auditorium.
my mouth is a queer time machine, by Lyam B. Gamel
my mouth is a queer time machine, by Lyam B. Gamel

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Roberto Perez Gayo