Lecture Elizabeth Losh, interview by Margarita Osipian
24 jun. 2019 Werkplaats Typografie. Arnhem → The Living Room, Werkplaats Typografie, Agnietenplaats 2, Arnhem
taal: English spoken
What is a hashtag for? Is it simply a character, invented by Silicon Valley, to facilitate an electronic search and a way to name things? Or is it a tool to facilitate political actions and steer participants in social movements?
In this talk, our guest Elizabeth Losh discusses how the hashtag, as a cultural artefact, is the result of accreted sets of practices and invisible labour, involving negotiating competing claims about identity, ownership, and naming conventions. She will be joined by Margarita Osipian for a discussion. This event is generously hosted by our colleagues at De Werkplaats Typografie. Please join us at the ‘Living Room’.
In this talk, our guest Elizabeth Losh discusses how the hashtag, as a cultural artefact, is the result of accreted sets of practices and invisible labour, involving negotiating competing claims about identity, ownership, and naming conventions. She will be joined by Margarita Osipian for a discussion. This event is generously hosted by our colleagues at De Werkplaats Typografie. Please join us at the ‘Living Room’.