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Rethinking Anthropocene

film screening

How on Earth presents: Matters of Vision

What is the role of art and design in challenging anthropocentrism?

12 dec. 2019

Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 17:00 - 19:30 hrs

Host: Rana Ghavami
film screening

How on Earth presents: Earthbound

film screening and lecture performance by Sjoerd van Oevelen and Elodie Hiryczuk

28 nov. 2019

Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 17:00 - 19:30 hrs

Host: Rana Ghavami
film screening

How on Earth presents the (de)mobilizing power of eco-anxiety and discomfort

Harriet Bergman will talk about climate change, doom-dude protagonists, and discomfort.

12 nov. 2019

Focus Filmtheater, Arnhem 19.00 - 21.30 hrs.

Host: Rana Ghavami

How on Earth presents Biodemonology Night. On Practicing Xenobodies by Witches, Hackers and Nonhumans.

Evening curated by Agnieszka Anna Wolodźko i.c.w. Tetem

31 okt. 2019

Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 19.30-21.30 hrs.

film screening

How on Earth presents what’s wrong with the Anthropocene?

26 sep. 2019

Auditorium, AKI ArtEZ Enschede 19.30 - 21.30 hrs

film screening

How on Earth presents Living Images

05 sep. 2019

Room 1.12 AKI ArtEZ Enschede 14.00 hrs

Biomatters of a precarious future

27 mrt. 2019

Tetem Enschede 19:30 uur