Equality / Equity

ArtEZ Studium Generale organizes different projects that advocate for equality at every level and social justice for all people. In this series on Equality you will find projects on feminism, emancipation, justice and activism.
Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It recognises that certain groups of people with protected characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual orientation experience discrimination. In our projects we make a case for intersectionality as a tool for analysis, for emancipation and against oppression, a term which refers to the complex interplay and overlap of axes of identity such as race, class and gender. Art can make us aware of the identity of ourselves and of the other and of the power differences that result from it and the underlying, structural mechanisms of exclusion.

Future Justice

Young artists, researchers and educators help unpack the idea of a future that is based on justice out of deep concern for the world, which is marked by a climate crisis as well as a social and political crisis.

I would like to tell you a story

ArtEZ-student Pompadó Z.R. Martha is our new blogger. Originally from Curaçao, Pom has been living in a lot of places which gives him a broad insight into the topics Diversity, Sporadic (De)Colonialism, and Inclusion.
publication Sol Archer – jun '23

Secure Learning and Culture Environments

Making Cultures in Art Schools

The online publication Secure Learning and Culture Environments: Making Cultures in Art Schools shares some of the learning that has happened over the past couple of years in processes of formalizing social conduct and behavioural structures to create a culture of accountability and trust in shared spaces. Much of it is directed to the specific social and professional needs of working in art schools, but is also relevant in other organizations and communities.

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